michael b rush excommunicated

In this one you seem eerily sympathetic to the fact that his new podcasts contain many occult ideas that he hid behind Book of Mormon scripture. Rush is the author of A Remnant Shall Return, Daniel 11, and Revelation the Vision of John the Divine. Excommunicated Podcaster, Mike Stroud, has claimed in many of his podcasts and other "private settings" that he is obsessed with the idea of "A REMNANT" and he believes there are a select group of people that will be chosen to be part of this "remnant" apart from ,and ahead of, the main body of Saints. I am the definition of a Rush Baby, and its not just me. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. BUT with that a commandment to not impart to others. Michael B. was michael b rush excommunicated. Where he is mistaken then we are all in it together, a better thing than a church with many heads and no direction. Rush is the author of A Remnant Shall Return - 2020 Edition (4.76 avg rating, 79 ratings, 16 reviews), Eleven (4.62 avg rating, 8 ratings, 1 r. Home My Books This Podcast is based off the book - A Remnant Shall Return written by Michael Rush. LDSFreedomForum.com does not necessarily agree with all content posted by users of this forum. Its what we all want. Mike Stroud set aside the counsel of God which was offered to him by the Lords servants called to minister to his children on earth. About 20 minutes into it, he had an interesting take on D&C 45 and Isaiah 28 (the "covenant with death") prophecy. Any dominion I personally might exercise is a dominion of service as illustrated by Christs ministry and so eloquently by the washing of the feet. First, Stroud got specific when describing a process to commune with heavenly beings. Retrieved June 10, 2018. Since then there have been tens of thousands of articles, blogs, posts, and books that have been written based upon Michaels original work.In addition to A Remnant Shall Return, Michael has written two other ground breaking books Daniel 11 and Revelation The Vision of John the Divine. This Mike Stroud controversy is something that has somewhat divided me. You Asked, We Answered! I know this guy and many others like him .The bulk have been excommunicated because they testify to the very thing that our present Special Witnesses refuse to do, that is having the promise of D and C93:1 fulfilled in this life. Oh thats right theyre anonymous. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QWBwS6IL4Js&t=27s youtube.com The Father's Message to the latter-day Gentiles This video discusses a message that the Father commanded His Son Jesus Christ to share with the Nephites - which would be of great benefit to the Gentiles in. Choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. During that time, express your gratitude, your love, your adoration, and give praise to Them for all that They have given to you and for all that you are. (Podcast 05: Spending Sacred Holy Time With The Lord Jesus Christ, abt 13:16) Them and They refer to Heavenly Father, Heavenly Mother, and Jesus Christ. Whats with that? Continue to follow the teachings of apostate sects (such as those that advocate plural marriage) after being corrected by their bishop or a higher authority. What is told to your mind might be from God, might not be. And trust and hope wanes. I think Brother Stroud left orbit some time ago. [A]t this point in time, in the day of the gathering of Israel, there has never been a more appropriate time for us to obtain the power and knowledge, wisdom and understanding from the Book of Mormon through revelation and angelic ministry than right now. I agree that the grounds are at least sometimes inadequately communicated even to the person subject to church discipline.. RockiesGma describes Mike Strouds podcast correctly. Why? Summary: Michael Rush is 46 years old and was born on 07/29/1974. I have learned to accept what Im given as priceless. Visions of Glory: One Man's Astonishing Account of the Last Days Nelsen, Transition Integrity Project - full document, Rich Higgins National Security Council Memo - Deep State, Article on the Pentagon and unidentified aerial phenomenon, Marco Rubio on off-world crafts in our top-secret air space. The true believer will not hastily accept the lies about the pandemic or the cure but will stop and take a moment to consider what God says. In June, she elaborated on the process of President Nelson writing impressions down on a yellow note pad and how she has been prompted at times to leave the room. Follow to get new release updates, special offers (including promotional offers) and improved recommendations. I second the fact that Mike gives exact quotes, uses only scriptures and teachings of Latter-day prophets in his podcasts. Stroud also recommended asking for visitations from specific Book of Mormon individuals. For discussing the Church, Gospel of Jesus Christ, Mormonism, etc. MICHAEL B FITZGERALD. And yet the excommunications continue. Michael B Rush Family Robin C Rush Lindsey M Rush Joe M Rush Patrick M Rush Patrick Rush Show all locations and family Age. They were and they did. I am not a fan of personal revelations, testimony meetings, patriarchal blessings, the temple in general, bishopric and stake presidency interviews, the ensign, 90% of conference talks, and anything else that is cult-like or weird. Listen to Mikes podcasts for your self. If it were, it would be HIS love, not mine. Mike Stroud: by Trucker August 20th, 2021, 11:33 am, Post Pretty soon after that he taught his wife how to have visitations. Benson or whoever stated the proverbial straw that broke the marriages backs. Nor is it any different from what i have heard lots of G As teach over the last 60 years. Of course, I get all those things. What the? Release date: Oct 30, 2010: Booking location: Leon County, FL: Booking location: Beckoning Frontiers: Public and Personal Recollections. I think there are many in the church who are in possession of this Spirit and it is the quickest path to perfection and the Zion state for the church as a whole. Michael Rush currently lives in Franklin, TN; in the past Michael has also lived in Draper UT. Moroni 7:16; Mike Strouds work invites me do good and believe in Christ. I think others have heard him quite differently. Despite his constantly bearing testimony of the brethren he read the B of M like Nibley did ie condemning the Gentiles and making the case ( which most agree with) that we LDS are the Gentiles discussed in the B of M. In his podcast on the definition of Gentiles he discusses 2 Nephi 28 and effectively says that when Nephi sees that they have ALL gone out of their way ( 2 Nephi 28;11) or Moromon 8;380 why have ye polluted the holy church of god he is talking about us in our day. Michael B. After bearing a heartfelt testimony of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Russell M. Nelson, and deity, Brother Stroud announced he'd been excommunicated for apostasy. The relationship of Ezra's Eagle to Daniel's 4 Beasts - and what nations the first 3 beasts were. when we lie down to sleep, our minds are often as bright and active as the mind of an angel, at least they are as active as when our bodies are awake. But not everyone like her. He was never under any threat of disciplinary action as far as I can tell, but priesthood leaders found several of his teachings inappropriate. To his credit, Stroud clearly identified those teachings in his final podcast, published November 5th. To what end? He is the Author of The "Last Days" Timeline and website. Its this kind of fluffy, fear mongering, reaching for the stars conclusions that made the document so difficult to read. Watch any religion that does not offer this connection fade into oblivion before your very eyes. If this lady really had a Second Comforter experience, why does she have to confirm it through Mike Stroud? Required fields are marked *. The BYU honor code itself was the result of a conservative change, so changes to restore some of the status quo ante are hardly progressive. I do spend 30-60-and more minutes every day in prayer. That is the reality of who we are and that everyone needs to wake up to to establish Zion. [Nope.] Its interesting that the author claims to have felt a bad spirit every time they listened to a Mike Stroud podcast. He posted a video yesterday with his take on the infamous Covid email. When I was younger I often thought as I read stories in the scriptures that I would like to have similar experiences. He can only offer death, Jesus is the only covenant that leads to life, and he will annul the death covenant, it will not succeed. I say this because in my long life Ive heard a few claim Pres. Refusing to accept a gift might be what you meant, and yes, that would be rude and there might be no more offer of gift. by mes5464 August 20th, 2021, 8:57 am, Post June 6, 1891. It is a BURDEN on those so chosen. Resides in Gaithersburg, MD. The pages in that book after my daughter was murdered helped my heart to forgive and let go and for that I am forever grateful for his words he shared. The Christian Century, Volume 119 Number 7, March 27-April 3, 2002. by Jeff Schogol, Robert B. Horine, et al. If you've read any of Michael's books, you know you're in for a treat. Michael B. Jordan stars in the movie based on Clancy's novel. These Indians ate insects, had degraded down to such a state that truly, with the loss of the Spirit of the Lord, they had become a dark, and loathsome, and a filthy people, full of idleness and all manner of abominations. The grandparents shared a pie with some local American Indian friends, and they were later given a crude type of pie in return. After bearing a heartfelt testimony of the Book of Mormon, Joseph Smith, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, President Russell M. Nelson, and deity, Brother Stroud announced hed been excommunicated for apostasy. Rush has been a life long student of the scriptures. Are you an author? Persist in teaching as Church doctrine information that is not Church doctrine after they have been corrected by their bishop or a higher authority. Mike is addressing this subject which the author refutes as not based on scripture or the words of prophets. And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things. There is a reason why Heavenly Father has given us this miraculous gift because there is small portions of truth found everywhere and absolute truth is only found in Christ. "No Pain, No Game". I have also been told clearly, Do not compare your experiences with others and Trust meRelax. All of us have the same promise. BofM is true and thats good enough for to move forward. Such are the fruits of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and as such, will ensure that we remain separated from Him and from each other. Then her life fell apart", "The 30 most influential people on the internet", "Writer Walter Kirn, on a 'Mission to America', "Sarah Pratt: The Shaping of an Apostate", https://www.sltrib.com/religion/2016/06/21/author-of-letter-to-a-ces-director-resigns-from-mormon-church/, "The Forgotten Daughter: Julia Murdock Smith", "Ex-mormon Christians United For Jesus | Sharing Biblical truth in love | Bio", "Slayer of Five Boys Is Executed in Utah By Injection of Drugs", "Valley killer on FBI most wanted list spotted in Utah", "Mormon Stories founder Dehlin's spread of 'false concepts' results in excommunication from LDS Church | KSL.com", "LDS Church leaders release, excommunicate Elder James J. Hamula", "Kelly laments her 'painful' excommunication from Mormon church", "Mormons Oust First Indian in the Hierarchy", "Roz Chalmers, Merlin Holland, David Charles Manners, David Waterman, Midweek - BBC Radio 4", "Skyjackerthe Richard McCoy Jr. Story - Part 2", "Controversial Mormon writer gets the word: He's out of the church", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=List_of_former_or_dissident_Mormons&oldid=1140233272, This page was last edited on 19 February 2023, at 03:06. The items in the verse refer to tools, the line is a snap line to get things straight. Im a big fan of moderation and pluralism, but I continue to see a lot of talk about what the Church obviously should do. How did they get there? Conflicting values is nothing new. Here is how I believe it breaks down. 901 DEWEY STREET TALLAHASSEE, FL 32304. This is youre basic McCarthyist style, witch accusing, intimidation tactic that is used to try and gain total control over perception and the situation. And he is correct on that. If he is going around teaching those things like they are doctrine, and not as personal insights, then I can see where the church would take issue. Stroud that he has been excommunicated and called an apostate, and is so harshly judged by so many. If God offers gifts, are we supposed to disrespect the gift by refusing to seek after it?. .. And as the author rightly conceded he never actually used the term astral projection. This website is designed to be a secure portal for interested parties to learn more about Michael's research, as well as providing more advantageous purchasing options This is a good place if you want to put an opt-in form or a scarcity countdown. Instead, its based on separation and comparison in how their abilities measure up to the abilities of others. If we just use good judgement we will already be able to expose the lies. He is also an adviser with the National Diversity Coalition for Trump. This is the word that I had NO IDEA what it meant until that year in Alaska! Why did she not TEST THE SPIRITS like we are taught to do in Doctrine and Covenants? They believe they can see evil that others cant. Required fields are marked *. From One of Many Excommunicated by WELS. Authors reaction: The timing of the restoration of the nation. I think it's way off with The Watchers and other "out there" interpretations. That America was prophecied 2600 years ago and it's fate was already chosen. Upon concluding his mission, Michael attended and graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in accounting and information systems. Jesus responded: Take heed that no man deceive you. Number 2 however is very likely. 26 It is simultaneously hilarious and tragic that an institution who makes such extraordinary (some would say literally unbelievable) claims about personal revelations, heavenly visitations, etc. It should also be noted that opposition quickly mobilized when Stroud began his podcasts last November. Then they came down and did something about it. Unfortunately, some Church members have viewed groups they considered to be Lamanites with condescension or contempt, (Lamanite Identity, Church History Topic), Mary Ann has blogged at Wheat and Tares since 2015. We are all equal. But havent as yet got much of it read. And Bellamy did not answer my question. And the whole time they dont realize the illusion that they are creating. It was inappropriate for me to teach that that the Church of Latter-day Saints is Aaronic in nature and preparatory to the Melchizedek priesthood institution referred to in scripture as the Church of the Firstborn. I found this collection of essays by Michael Rectenwald, a former Marxist professor at NYU, to be a tremendous help in explaining how the woke folks sincerely believe the nonsense that they believe. I think it is called The Church of the Firstborn. The 3 Eagle Head identification could have several different meanings, The 2 wings (Right and Left) identification, The Lion's timing of when it comes to "save the Saints", The deeper proof behind "Why Herbert Hoover". Related To Shirley Rush. They are trained to be smarter, tactically superior and technologically advantaged - Melbourne's answer for a cutting edge trend in policing worldwide. Were I to answer that question, I would simply be joining in the cacophony. Disqus Notifications Not Working, Your email address will not be published. Were living to see that it IS possible and it does happeneven the elect can be deceived when they refuse to humble themselves. But Stroud uses the Book of mormon itself to promote his new meanings and speculative and new definitions of basic gospel teachings. There more from the doc that could be discussed. and Sis. He believed that it was to benefit the modern-day descendants of Lehi, who are assigned to the tribe of Manasseh: I believe that the majority of the tribe of Manasseh are Spanish speakers. (Podcast 08: 1 Nephi 5-7, abt 41:51) In January, Stroud asked listeners for help to get translated Spanish (and Portuguese) podcasts into the hands of those who could benefit from them. In a very few cases, the list below may include former adherents of other Latter Day Saint movement denominations who have ceased identifying as members of the Church, as well. She only came to tell him about this vision she had. by h_p August 20th, 2021, 7:53 am, Post Correlation was a progressive change but may now be viewed as conservative. Astral travel during sleep is a bit different than doing in consciously obviously because we dont know were doing it. Thats like at Christmas when your children tell you their wish list. Theres nothing inherently evil about having direct communication with Christ or heavenly Mother. He suggested spending at least one hour every day between 3 a.m. and 6 a.m. with the Lord. Gifts come to me by the giver of a gift. But if they had really followed Mikes instruction, they would have discerned that it wasnt for them and never would have had to go crying to Kimberly in the first place. Michael B. Hes very humble. The question is whether or not were at a spiritual level to be teaching that we can. 15 February 2021 at 7:34 PM. "661: Abby Huntsman and Carrie Sheffield and their Transitions Out of Mormonism". And what I first noticed about the doc is that it plays out very much like an anti-mormon literature pamphlet citing all the concerns they have about certain beliefs and blaring numerous scriptures and quotes about false prophets. Its cool, Scoot. For example, President Nelson counseled in April, I urge you to stretch beyond your current spiritual ability to receive personal revelation, for the Lord has promised that if thou shalt [seek], thou shalt receive revelation upon revelation, knowledge upon knowledge, that thou mayest know the mysteries and peaceable thingsthat which bringeth joy, that which bringeth life eternal.12, Oh, there is so much more that your Father in Heaven wants you to know. Your email address will not be published. Let me explain what Mike Stroud is really teaching: He is teaching a practice called astral Projection though he never uses that word. But we laugh at those ideas today. Dont be afraid. Stroud told a family story about his grandparents in Payson, Utah. The plummet is a depth line to measure how deep the water is. He posted a video yesterday with his take on the infamous Covid email. Nature and the great outdoors remind us that difficult times pass. While it is true that we teach of visions and angelic ministrants and such we also teach of the adversarys counterfeits as well and the imperative of learning to discern between deception and Godly instruction. No one would feel lesser because God has blessed one person in certain ways that he has not blessed them. Ill have to look into it. That is the only dominion that can bring about eternal life. Jana Riess research on Millennials: churchistrue quick take, Another Podcaster Excommunicated, But Maybe Not For the Reason You Think. And honestly, the elephant in the room is: I remember reading this recently (already had it marked) because I am studying Isaiah right now, and he has it completed backwards and is taking it out of context. Still, this whole matter with Mike Stroud has been very disheartening. Im not saying my hearing is better or more correct. The scriptures reinforce again and again that, in the government of God, there is an hierarchy of noble and great ones who lead with God-given authority. Some of the garbage they sell slays me. And yet the excommunications continue. This is going back about four years now. At the time of this writing, Michael is the Corporate Controller of a $5 billion manufacturing company. Includes Address(5) Phone(4) Email(1) See Results. Got specific when describing a process to commune with heavenly beings Maybe not for stars! That does not offer this connection fade into oblivion before your very eyes noted that opposition quickly mobilized Stroud. 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