ad and thamud

They did worship Allah, which Ill prove soon. In fact, we even know the scripts they used! Im trying to understand the arabic like why do some arabic words have al before some words when we dont use them like in verse 2:36 (But Satan caused both of them to deflect from obeying Our command by tempting them to the tree and brought them out of the state they were in, and We said: Get down all of you; henceforth, each of you is an enemy of the other,50 and on earth you shall have your abode and your livelihood for an appointed time.) in this verse in arabic it says al Shatan why doesnt just say satan instead of if translated the satan because that would sound weird Also is 27:52 past tense or present sorry to keep bothering you but these are it, Because you said 27:52 said they are destroyed fallen buy 89:9 makes it sound like there still standing clean and like brand new etc, 5. 74], , And certainly did the companions of Thamud deny the messengers. God knows best. This is an article I recently wrote. The general consensus among 14th-century Arab genealogists is that Arabs are of three kinds: . Also, the Prophet () did in fact mention the dwellings in a separate hadith. Certainly many of these ancient civilizations were advanced for their times and certainly more advanced than the Arabs as they had very little structures and civilization development and they were tribal societies and not big cities. Wadi al-Qura, refer to the article above. Chapter (41) srat fuilat (Explained in Detail) Sahih International: But if they turn away, then say, "I have warned you of a thunderbolt like the thunderbolt [that struck] 'Aad and Thamud.. Pickthall: But if they turn away, then say: I warn you of a thunderbolt like the thunderbolt (which fell of old upon the tribes) of A'ad and Thamud;. What the Prophet () and the Sahaba went through during Tabuk was overall the joint place of Thamud and Nabateans and more specifically the exact well from where the she-camel drank. the fate and remains of past generations with our eyes bcuz verse 25:37 speaks about the people of Nuh AS and it tells us that Allah SWT left a sign for mankind. Again the burden of proof is on us that this was the case. They are the idumeans( Edomites), Prophet Abraham pbuh was a Chaldean who had, People of uz autocorrect sucks sometimes, The quran pretty unambiguously says that the people of Nuh were a globalised civilization, so your timing seems a bit off, Your email address will not be published. The Thamud did not worship God, and were disobedient. Allah does not want wrong for the servants. 5. Abdullah ibn Umar, may Allah be pleased with him, reported: . Then bring us what you promise us if you are among the truthful.Chapter 7, Verse 70, It is all the same to us if you advise us are not from among the advisors. Like does 89:9 mean what thamud used too do like example pharoh killed people on stakes or does it mean what they have done like example the pyramids. What the visitor sees there today are hewn hills; no mansions remain on the plain. 3) The tombs were in fact built by Thamud as houses and the Nabateans simply inscribed them later. Are Hadiths Anti-Semitic? We have to be open to the idea that a person living thousands of years ago will have a different concept of a place of dwelling than we, in the 21st century, do. The video (arabic): I believe neither are in error. Both. Between the mountains were valleys with gardens and springs of water. and make your home on the heights, They built buildings on the land and also carved them in hills. The Nabataean alphabet was adopted by Arabs to the south, and evolved into modern Arabic script around the 4th century. An envoy was sent to the nations to say, In Islamic prophetic history, the Prophet Salih (s) was sent to the first tribe of Thamud before the coming of Moses (s), since one of the believers warned Pharaoh about what happened to them. (LogOut/ Aad and Thamud are two of several communities described in the Quran as recipients of Gods chosen prophets and being utterly destroyed for rejecting them. [10], Arab Islamic sources state that the Thamud were an early Arab tribe that had gone extinct in ancient days. If the Bible tells us nothing more, at least it illustrates that carving out structures on mountains predated the Nabateans, and that is all we need to refute the Christian allegation against the Quran. Thamd, in ancient Arabia, tribe or group of tribes known to be extant from the 8th century bce to the 5th century ce. [15], But despite the presence of a tribe called the Thamud as late as the fourth century, sixth-century Arab poets whose works are preserved in post-Islamic sources were already referring to the Thamud as an ancient and long-lost tribe whose very name recalled the transience of all things. The expedition of Tabuk does identify the dwellings and ruins of a destroyed nation of Thamud and this area is between Madeenah and Shaam/Syria. What we do know is that the Nabateans lived a nomadic life style. Ptolemy (d. 168 AD), describes a people called Oaditai8, bordered by Aramaeans to the north, and Thamud to the south, close to what is today called Wadi Ramm. Qur'an and Hadith on Thamud and their Dwellings Abu Rahma / March 22, 2016 It is argued that the Qur'an and the Prophet () made an error in history and facts [1]. We should look at the original Arabic for word though to fully understand. It was He who brought you into being from the earth and made you inhabit it, so ask forgiveness from Him, and turn back to Him: my Lord is near, and ready to answer." As menitoned earlier, the Aad were a strong, brutish, and conquering people. Though one could argue that they knew of Salih and hence Allah could hold them responsible, but this is speculation. Perhaps they couldnt understand the significance of receiving a camel. And so, when Our command was fulfilled, by Our mercy We saved li and his fellow believers from the disgrace of that day. After all, camels were and still are pretty common in that part of the world. We have no firm textual evidence as to where they went, but their pattern of rock carving survived for millennia among their successors in the area such as the Nabateans, the Dedanites, the Lihyanites who supplanted the Dedanites in Dedan in the last century BCE and 1st century CE and others. I am also writing an text on this that I inshaAllah will put up online. 2) The dwellings of Thamud are elsewhere in the valley of Hijr. Witch out of these 7 does it sound more what the verses are saying or does it mean something other than these 7 2. They were 6 meters tall! Thats it. 7. So they used to carve and not they still carve. Even though they built great sculptures, they werent extremely sophistated people. 85 percent of the region is still untouched, and hidden. And As-Saihah (torment - awful cry) overtook the wrong-doers, so they lay (dead), prostrate in their homes, As if they had never lived there. Furthermore, there is also proof that they had some elements of true Islam in their faith. Abul Ala Maududi. They mistreated the lower classes and worshiped others besides Allah. Create a free website or blog at When they cut the hamstring of a female camel that God had sent down for them, despite the prophet's warnings, they were annihilated, except for Salih and his followers. They were built not before the time of Musa ( ), but during the first century BC and the first century CE. Therefore, the Aad were a society that sprung up from the survivors of the flood, perhaps some of the same people who rode in the Ark with Prophet Noah (AS). While I think thats a response one could muster the fact is that we have no evidence whatsoever for that and it does not explain why the Prophet () would have referred to them as punished people. [15:80-84], , Abdullah b. Further confirmation of their service under the Romans, comes via a late 4th (or early 5th century) military document Notitia Dignitatum, which clealy mentions two cavalry units of Thamud, one serving in Egypt and the other in Palestine. Before sending the punishment on them, Allah sent two prophets to these nations. Thamud used to carve out rocks in the valley By not on the surface, I mean that they did not exist like a proper city or open to any passer by and were deep inside some unvisited territory. Thamud scripts and finds are noted in the area as well as possible signs of the ancient people before Thamud. Also sorry with wadi alQura where is that place because you mention in your article that is the place and it is different but where is it in saudia Arabia like how far from madain saleh and where is it near because they dont show it on the maps, 4. Have not invested any considerable time investigating the actual archeological claims. Instead, the camel is killed by a certain "accursed Amar", and the camel's foal stands upon a rock and curses Thamud, leading to the tribe's annihilation except for a single lame woman who is spared to spread the message of the destruction. The Thamud did not worship God, and were disobedient. Suhih Bukhari_ Book of _ Virues of Al-Quran : THE FIRST PILLAR OF ISLAM: THE MUSLIM PROFESSION O _ ( Istighfar & Tawbah Authentic Dua & Dhikr: What Is the Status of Women in Islam? Source: Sahih Muslim 2980, Grade: Sahih. SSH and Password-less communication using SSH, Basics of Cryptography and Digital Signature, The Quranic tribes of 'Aad and Thamud - a historical perspective, Lenin khuda ke huzoor mein: A simplified commentary, Q 7:74 mentions Thamud as building houses out of mountains, while Q 54:31 confirms that they were destroyed by a shriek. It sure is something to ponder over and come up with a hujja to explain. The ruins were identified by the Prophet (s) as belonging to those who wronged themselves, without ascribing them to the very first tribe of Thamud. But the fact that they spitefully killed an animal that had done them no harm and for no good reason is proof and a sign of their evil. The 2 verses are very generic in that they describe the general civilizations over time that have been destroyed or have perished but their signs remain behind. He said, "My people, worship God. Allah says: `Say, O Muhammad, to these idolators who disbelieve in the message of truth that you have brought: If you turn away from that which I have brought to you from Allah, then I warn you of the punishment of Allah like the . I guess it can be said that the Nabataeans can be considered one of the nations succeeding the people of Thamud. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Quranic tribes of Aad and Thamud a historical perspective. 'Ad and Thamud are closely connected by both Islamic and pre-Islamic sources. Archaeological Site of Al-Hijr (Madin Slih), Forty Hadith al-Nawawi in English and Arabic, Al-Aqidah al-Tahawiyyah in English and Arabic, Forty Hadith on Purification of the Heart. [27] Both tribes are of great reputed antiquity and, according to traditional Arab genealogists, are two of the four ba 'ida, or extinct tribes. My people, this camel belongs to God, a sign for you, so leave it to pasture on God's earth and do not harm it, or you will soon be punished." A Reminder of the Story of 'Aad and Thamud by Ibn Kathir, taken from Tafsir Ibn Kathir (Abridged), Volume 8 Darussalam 2000 As for `Ad, they were arrogant in the land without right and they said: 'Who is mightier than us in strength?' See they not that Allah Who created them was mightier in strength than them. 4. Doesnt matter if they were destroyed before or after Ibn Kathir and the land is not in Yemen. Instead, they tried to engage Salih in debate. They are related to the Banu Abs tribe.[33]. Allah doesnt need you. Because were left with no records which can help in our archeological inquiry, even dating the structures becomes a difficult, and perhaps, an impossible task. 63-65. We hardly know anything about the Nabateans aside of their nomadic life-style, which is not consonant with building these incredible structures. after Isa (as), the period there were no prophets aynmore- how they could then deny their messenger? And you said the inside has to be bigger how big do you think it has to be inside like the inside of petra or smaller or bigger and how many rooms do you think there should of been or do you think the inside of madion al saleh is the right size sorry for all the questions but these are it then I wont ask any more questions Im justin putting them all so then thats it jazzakkallah, This is also part of 4. And indeed (their destruction) is clearly apparent to you from their (ruined) dwellings. But the Thamud were more nuanced in their rejection. These things had huge doors, elaborate engravings, complex designs, and must have been an amazing sight in their time. If we remember that Ismails mother (Hajjar) was an Egyptian, or Coptic, slave, and his father Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was Babylonian, then its obvious that he couldnt also be Arab. Though no one knows for sure when either of these groups existed, it is clear from the Quran that the Aad were successors to the people of Noah. This also makes it clear that the people were punished. Compounding the confusion is the fact that the tribal name Thamud is applied today to a broad section of different peoples throughout history, not only to those mentioned in the Quran. Question:What is the correct explanation for the P --* _ . As I mentioned in our discussion on your post regarding Gog and Magog, I was very interested to read your reply to the missionary accusation regarding Thamud, because the argument seems to be rather recent and it seems to at least on its surface have good argumentation and hence we as Muslims must develop countermeasures. Assalamualaikum I dont believe 27:50-53 is necessarily referring to their houses existing at the time of the Prophet SAW when they tell us to behold the sign therein. Thamud were destroyed I would be interested in your response to my other points as well. However, inside most of them is only a small room about three to four square meters in size. You mentioned that there are many house-like structures in the valley today, so perhaps they are one of those. Both tribes are of great reputed antiquity and, according to traditional Arab genealogists, are two of the four ba 'ida, or extinct tribes. 'Ad and Thamud are closely connected by both Islamic and pre-Islamic sources. The Thamd were known from contemporary sources to have occupied parts of the Hejaz region, and later Islamic tradition holds that they settled on the slopes of Mount Athlab. 10.can al hijr be somewhere else like al ula 12. The absence of evidence here is no evidence of absence. 41.13-18 Kathir - Ibn Al Kathir. [27], This article is about the ancient Arabian tribe. There existed a nation called the Edomites. In my opinion this is an argument that Muslims have to tackle thoroughly due to its ease of presentation by non-Muslims and (hypothetical) explanatory power. Moreover, they cultivated fertile land and gained lots of benefit from it. These include Sunni Huwala and Achomi people, who compromise of both fully Arab and mixed Arab-Persian families. [7][8] In a somewhat muddled passage, Pliny the Elder, a Roman historian of the first century CE, appears to locate the Thamd at the unidentified inland town of "Baclanaza". As for objection number one, as far as my research has shown, the only reason that the carved-out structures are considered tombs is due to various rectangular carved out niches inside them where the dead bodies were to be placed. (LogOut/ [19], To the Thamd, We sent their brother, li. They may have later acquired Hellenistic techniques and applied them on their structures. [24] These tribes advanced in large numbers all the way to Morocco, contributing to a more extensive ethnic, genetic, cultural, and linguistic Arabization in the region. When some one has a keen desire to understand logically or has questions, there is nothing wrong I think. From some understanding, it is derived that Thamud were an ancient Arab people well before Musa (as) and possibly well before Ibrahim (as) and hence the tombs (no dwellings to be seen in the present day ruins) must be very ancient and not recent like the Nabataeans. The sentence, This structure is not only large enough and a couple more contained links. Its in their records, that we find out first mention of Thamud. After the Arab conquest of Persia in the 7th century, many Arab tribes settled in different parts of Iran, notably Khurasan and Ahwaz, it is the Arab tribes of Khuzestan that have retained their identity in language and culture to the present day while other Arabs especially in Khurasan were slowly Persianised. After the destruction of Ad, Thamud succeeded them in power and grandeur. They are mentioned in the Quran as examples of civilizations that Allah had destroyed because of their sins and as signs of the fleeting nature of the worldly power. As for option 2, we know next to nothing about the Thamud. [Quran 27:45]. They carved-out habitations on the hills and mountainscaves constructed on high places. Thus, the possibility exists that the Edomites copied the mountainous dwellings of the Thamud, just as the Nabateans may have copiedor took over the architectural style of the Edomites or the Thamud and added their own flavor. They are of Arab origin, but now of mixed blood mostly with Nilo-Saharans and Nubians. One may argue that they existed until 106 CE, i.e. Their destruction was like a forest being mowed down by giant machines. Verily, Thamud disbelieved in their Lord. They also fell to idol-worshipping. What are the Sunnahs and etiquettes that we should >>> , - ?____ Fatwa . Thus, from the aforementioned verses we have gleaned the following: 1. [23] The ninth-century Muslim scholar Ibn Sad believed that the Thamud were the Nabateans. [22], The first wave of Arab immigration to the Maghreb began with the conquest of the Maghreb in the seventh century, with the migration of sedentary and nomadic Arabs to the Maghreb from the Arabian Peninsula. [20] The traditional Muslim view is that the destruction of Thamud occurred before the prophethood of Abraham. The Nabataean kingdom existed from the 3rd or 2nd century BC, could it be that their punishment was a long one after a prophet was sent to them sometime before Prophet Isa AS? However, they worshiped other deities along with Allah. "[22] The stone constructions of Hegra are actually mostly from the Nabataean period, especially the first century CE. They were more sophisticated than the Aad. Long before the Roman empire, before Alexanders conquests, even before the great Persian monarchs, there were the Assyrians lords of much of the Middle East, and archetypes of almost every empire that came after them. Thus, Nabataeans later reused the rocks and made them to graves. The Thamd were known from contemporary sources to have occupied parts of the Hejaz region, and later Islamic tradition holds that they settled on the slopes of Mount Athlab. Imagine if in a thousand years, the United States is a completely different landscape, much of it devoid of inhabitants and all of the history associated with its people are lost. (41:13) But the shriek seized them at early morning. [Quran11:6168(Abdel Haleem)], The Islamic exegetical tradition adds detail to the Quran's account. In the historical and archaeological record, both were contemporaries, but by the time of the Prophet in the 7th century AD, they had become little more than a distant memory, and their ruins, places of myth and legend. Or there fallen down relics are still better than you houses now 3. or there fallen down relics show they are/were better than you 4. But the buildings of the Aad are like Lego blocks compared to the Thamud. you who live in the clefts of the rocks[a] This shouldnt be surprising as the Quraish, and in fact most faiths, do the same thing. The blast struck the evildoers and they lay dead in their homes, as though they had never lived and flourished there. - _ tafseer. [23] Arab tribes such as Banu Muzaina migrated, and the Arab Muslims in the region had more impact on the culture of the Maghreb than the region's conquerors before and after them. The Quran mentions the Thamud as an example of an ancient polytheistic people who were destroyed by God for their sins. Are you telling us to change our religion from our fathers relgion? As their material wealth increased so, too, did their evil ways while their virtue decreased. Regardless, the thamud tribes structures remained for people to see according to Quran. They were a little more inquisitive (at least at first). It may very well be that during the time of the prophet, certain structures were still apparent to them that are now hidden due to natural occurrences, such as earthquakes, accretion of sand and erosion with time. Are these tourist sites now identified at Madian Saleh the same as those we see discussed in the saheeh ahadith during the Tabuk expedition or is that a different location because these sites are identified as built by Nabataens and not Thamud and are considered much later than Thamud people (if we consider the finds to be absolutely authentic that these are Nabataens who built them. Hence I clearly mentioned in my original comment that this seems to be the weakest of all interpretations. their country was called Arabia Petraea, the rocky; and their metropolis Petra, the rock: Jerom says that they that inhabited the southern part of the country and dwelt in caves cut out of the rock, to screen them from the heat of the sun: or, thou that dwellest in the circumferences of the rock F16; round about it, on the top of it, in a tower built there, as Kimchi and Ben Melech. Obadiah 1:3 When Salih began to preach monotheism, the Thamud demanded that he prove his prophethood by bringing forth a pregnant camel from solid rock. The Thamd are infrequently mentioned in contemporary indigenous Arabian sources, although two Safaitic inscriptions carved some time between the first century BCE and the fourth century CE refer to "the year of the war between Gm and the tribe of Thamd [snt rb gm l md]". 5. The general consensus among 14th-century Arab genealogists is that Arabs are of three kinds: The Hawazin tribe and the Quraysh tribe are considered Adnani Arabs. Revisionists are conspiracy theorists and conspiracy theories sell so in order to make quick money and get fame, some western pseudo scholars propagate this absurd conspiracy theory. Hence, the Prophet (s) and his companions did visit the land of Thamud and reflected upon the ruins of many idolatrous peoples found there, but they did not claim that any of these specific artifacts belonged to the first tribe of Thamud from the Quran. The Nabataeans were nomadic Arabs who moved into territory vacated by the Edomites Semites who settled the region centuries before them. 5. Their early inscriptions were in Aramaic, but gradually switched to Arabic, and since they had writing, it was they who made the first inscriptions in Arabic. where they used to live. Beni Hassan defeated both Berbers and Black Africans in the region, pushing them southwards to the Senegal river while the Arab tribes settled in Mauritania. due to the belief as mentioned in the Quran that warners were sent to all Nations. Required fields are marked *. He said: ., Do not enter (the dwelling places) of these people unless you enter weeping, but if you weep not, then do not enter upon them, lest you be afflicted with what they were afflicted with [Bukhari]. Your email address will not be published. It becomes rather implausible that a people who a had a law against building a house, would then start constructing breathtakingly massive structures from the rocks of the mountains themselves. Al does not make anything past or present or future. 3 The pride of your heart has deceived you, Here our discussion lies around the location of the thamud people and the houses/tombs they carved out of the stones and mountains. It seems we gonna have some proper analysis on this case, and Allah (as) knows best! In addition, when the verses talk about Verily there is a sign in this, it doesnt necessarily mean that we have to see the sign i.e. [2] The Quran endorses this fact; they were not outright destroyed and the believers survived: Then look! 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