bts reaction to them wanting attention

BTS Reacting to their child wanting another sibling. - Bandmate Having A Crush On You. You werent the most confident in your appearance, so you tended to wear clothes that hide your figure. Never the less you crawled onto the bed and laid . Request box is still open :) (also doing ships and scenarios), Topless? " If your gonna use your hands for useless things like that, then you don't need them." . Can you do it more often?? lol thanks!! You may or may not have accidentally spoiled your surprise in excitement. You cant let him go. Growing up, your mom always told you stories about marriage and weddings. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him softly, which he eagerly returned. Make me proud babe. Don't ever feel about that Y/N..". BTS Reactions:(P2. Then why did he willingly caused you pain, hurt you? BTS reaction to you wearing a small top with a big cleavage and all the other guys are looking at you Jimin: '' Ok, you're going to change this instant. He had screamed and you'd been laughing too hard to see much, though it'd still hung at the back of your head. It was floor length and not too tight fitting, but it was low cut and showed off quite a bit of your cleavage. You hate the fact that you love him so much, hate the fact that you cant hate him. He asked. Whatever. He said trying to keep his cool. He didnt want you to feel awkward coming out to him when it didnt really bother him much. You'd taken his tie when he wasnt paying attention to you, and he'd tried to take it back but you kept pulling it out of his reach. Aww~ look at my baby being so cute and cuddly in MY sweater!Hold on, I need to take a picture.No, dont hide your face!. It was extremely hot out and your air conditioner wasnt working so you were walking around the house in only short shorts and a tank top. Anon request: You sending them a sext while in the same room. Have you seen my- He pauses once his eyes land on you. BTS Reaction To You Sitting/Laying in Their Lap A/N: This is a re-upload form the old "thestorytellerofkpop" account! He said he wasnt going to be back until late! You both knew the moment would come when it did naturally, so niether of your forced it to happen. You see him rummaging through it before standing up again. His hands moved from your wrists to the side of your head, but even with your hands freed you didn't move out from under him. He never realized how you never ate with him, how you always brushed it off saying you werent hungry, or how you seemed to be getting thinner by the minute. You are too scared. I think I like this new side of you baby girl.. You are full of shit Taehyung ! Who knew you could be so savage?. Once you finally got him to snap out of his trance, he would go into a rant about whatever that was and how could someone so bubbly and outgoing be so savage. BTS Reactions: P2. <3 Namjoon. It is implied that reader is younger than Jun. If you were close enough for him to see he would definitely send you constant glances and smirks during his solo parts. Your knees hit the ground and your . He wipes his tears and sighs at the sound of your voice finally breaking the silence. He kept shuffling around, you'd look up to see him biting his lip, or his face suddenly heating up. Causing both of you to smile at each other. Namjoon pulled away temporarily, and the heated look you'd seen burning in his eyes seconds ago was replaced by a look of concern. Still, there was no denying that it was your account and the original tweet was directed at you. You'd been with Hoseok for a while, and it'd never actually come up. BTS-WRITING (Semi-Hiatus) Text posted on March 16, 2016 at 23:02:29. Jimin caresses your hand as he sits next to you. You were backstage with the staff as the boys performed, being able to watch the concert from an angle that kept you hidden from the audience. Y/N: Id feel better with my body if I lost a couple kilograms . He searches through the bags and finds his food. (submitted by anon). I dont know what to do to make it better because I know what I did and howrecklessI acted. You hadnt even noticed that he was staring at you, too focused on what you were saying when he suddenly would cut you off by blurting out a soft I love you. You froze, all words leaving you as you turned to look at your boyfriend, wondering if you heard him correctly. "I'm sorry for being so quiet around you Jin.". Both of you, afraid of rejection, kept your thoughts to yourselves. He turns around facing you and pushes you into the wall causing you to hurt your back. BTS reaction s/o wanting them to be their first time. Looking back at those memories, you realized that you should have been careful about what you wished for. Y/N: You just had to do you, didnt you?! You felt a pair of strong arms lifting you up and on his shoulder. Thank you for coming jagiya, it means a lot!. Your hand went up to the side of his face, his skin was warm under your touch. Yoongi released a sigh and smiled down at you. There was a small grin on his face before he was leaning in again, his words barely a whisper on your neck. Jimin: Dont.. please dont push me away. The fact that you were bi/pan wouldnt bother him, but how long you waited to tell him might. That didnt mean that he trusted everyone else though. Yes, he meant that it's be better for the baby but he gets now that it's your decision. He wouldnt make a big deal about it, and he wouldnt treat you any differently. I already ate, I dont want it. The trickiest part was making sure that Jin had no idea what you were planning, making sure that none of the others spoiled the surprise either since they all knew you were coming. You looked at him . No." However, given the thoughts that he was having seeing you in it, he knew others would have the same idea. How was that even possible? Your confession was blunt but gentle. If you want.." You averted your eyes in embarrassment, but his were still on you as he put his phone aside. Maybe you would have to start wearing these things around him more often. He wouldnt do much more than pull you into a lazy hug and thank you, keeping in mind that the members were there and watching the two of you. You shouldnt have worn that. At the end of the day, it was still him you were dating so why do the genders youre attracted to matter? Hobi had been trying to get you to try dancing with him for a while but you always had a different excuse every time. So, does that mean you actually were flirting with that staff member the other day? Cue you glaring at him from across the table and him laughing. Y/N: If you do that, Ill never talk to you again ! BTS Reaction: You Surprise Them at a Concert Prompt:BTS react to you, surprising them during their concert Requested? His low voice sounds restless and faded and he looks awful, like he just survived a tornado, his hair is messy and he has dark circles under his eyes. taehyung, rapmon. Eventually it'd just get to the point where both of you were hoping it'd happen, but neither made the move. However, if someone got a little too personal with you then you can expect him to become protective. Jungkook appreciated your effort and gave a shaky laugh. You didn't even have to look at him to know he was nervous, staring up at the ceiling. Look at you!My little bird and her wings~Im calling you bluby from now on!. You think about him a lot, about the last text you got from him. Damn baby girl, Namjoon growled when you pulled away, Im half tempted to skip dinner and rip that dress off of you. You laughed softly and hit his chest. You gave him a confused look because of his sudden change of attitude. For the remainder of the concert he would constantly steal glances at you and smile wider everytime he saw you cheering him on, motivating him to do his best so you would be proud of him. Hey Hobi, you called out as you stretched, can you bring me my water bottle? He nodded and quickly brought it over to you, still trying to keep his eyes from wandering to your chest. Ill even give you a kiss.. N: Just dont take it too seriously.. and there are other ways to lose weight, you know? J: Come onn ~ you know he was not worth it, look at you. Your laughter died down, but Taehyung didn't move from his position above you. Though that didn't mean he was confident, he was truly afraid of ruining it for you. AN: I combined the two requests as they were similar, I also changed the request to gender neutral, but it can still be read as female reader. Y/N, I know I havent called, or texted or let you know how pitiful I am, but as soon as you left I became the most miserable person Ive ever met. You quickly stood up on the bed and raised the phone as high as you can. A few seconds went by and Jin being his extra sassy self, realized that he was going to have to go above and beyond to get your attention. *Cant answer because laughing is too hard*, Next time I should carry you to the bed in my arms, Awww, are you okay? N: Ughh.. Im tired of you complaining ! You're really something special you know that?". Namjoon slowly started keeping track of you more and more as your debut grew near, telling himself that it was to make sure you took care of yourself. Hey hot stuff, he said with a smirk, you know, theres this nice little place just a few blocks down the road. This isnt really NSFW it's a bit more fluff lmao. He knew that you were a virgin the night you confessed it to him over text. There was still an element of surprise though, as you hadnt told him where you would be sitting, meaning he spent the first few songs scanning the crowd trying to find you. Suga: Please, be mad at me, tell me you hate me, but dont leave ! "Think you can prove it?" I I. When his eyes first landed on your figure he froze and had to do a double take, not actually processing that you were there in the front row. To Jin, you had always been his innocent princess. Sometimes I write and make stuff. J: I hate myself for doing that, not matter how much you hate me, you cant hate me more.. You tighten the hug as you whisper in his ear. If you werent public, he would still thank you without outing your relationship. I think Id like myself a little bit better. Depending on how busy he is and the status of your relationship further on, he may also want to include you in one of his solo projects somewhere down the line. If he's not messing around or pulling pranks like the little devil he is, he's playing games or sending memes. He wanted you to know how happy he was that you were there. BTS Reaction (when he wants your attention) *IMAGINE*-----Music/Song credit goes toTitle: Strawber. He had been mentoring you and giving you advice when you first joined BigHit but never with the intention that it would turn into something more. You were walking out of your room to grab your things and head out when you heard a familiar voice in the living room. Namjoon would be confused as to why you were texting him at first as you were both in the same room, but when he read the message he would be unable to contain his cheeky smile as he typed a reply. Once he saw you though he immediately perked up a bit, asking what you were doing here. His arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you down with him so you were both underwater, crashing his lips against yours. A/N: Feel free to request or just come and talk to me! He really shouldnt have forgotten youre willing to push back. Why are you so near?Go away, youre making me too soft. *hugs you tightly*Fuck you for making me a softie.. "Taehyung." He'd pepper you with kisses and playfully make fun of you. Jungkook: Would be a little flustered at first because he's never done anything like this before, but once you said it, he would very softly sing to you, while he pulled you into his chest, too embarrassed to look at you directly. It didnt help that you were pretty much oblivious when it came to people flirting with you. You dont even care, admit it ! Both of them smiled back, and Namjoon opened his arms for you. Gifs are not mine. Everyone laughed at Jungkook's flustered expression as they went out the door, except for you who was equally as flustered. No calling, no texting, no visiting, no nothing. Due to this, Namjoon had assumed that you were taking care of yourself the same way you cared for him. I'm asking because I just, I want you to be my first. Y/N: I cant believe I ever thought I could trust you ! That is what scared him more than anything, someone could be blatantly hitting on you and you would let them because you thought they were just being nice. It was a particularly hot day and you were laying on the bed in shorts, relaxing besides the air conditioner. Also, glad you find the blog amazing. He couldnt do anything but stare in shock as he watched you go off on the person that had insulted your appearance. Taehyung also had a 4d personality so your relationship would be far from normal. He grabs your arm and squeezes it causing you to scream in pain. From this ask: hi, i wanted to request a bts reaction to them saying something hurtful in an argument and instantly regretting it? He was pretty hyper and eccentric himself so the two of you would work well together in that sense. The members were out one fine night, leaving you alone with Namjoon. Y/N: Is that what weve become? Jungkook? "Y/N" he said again as he started to snap his fingers at you but still, you gave him no reaction. You two would likely talk about it over dinner and he may ask a few silly questions such as if youre attracted to this person or this other person just to lighten the mood. J: You can cry if you want, but it will get better, trust me. Hoseok felt his smile get wider. Sometimes your kisses would get heated, sometimes your conversations would start to get interesting, but every time they did someone had to ruin it. Thought you guys were hungry. You gave both of them a smile. "Okay well.. Im sorry. BTS Reactions: You wanting them to stay in bed BTS Reactions: You Watching A Scary Movie BTS Yoongi Imagine: Be My Muse . Jin looked down at his food and then back up at you. His heart was now beating from how excited he was about seeing you in his sweater. Sorry!. His voice is muffled against your neck. Y/N: Ahh ! Yoongi was one of the last ones to enter, looking just as exhausted as the others. Im - Im not like that. Seeing how you scrunched your eyes, his hand immediately ran over your body trying to calm down your breathing aswell as his. Eventually, you cornered him and began poking at him to get you to tell him what was wrong. He takes them out and walks to the door. Y/N: Im just gonna listen to what he has to say. Pairings: The farthest that the two of you had ever gone is kissing and even that was barely more than a light peck. Namjoon would see it coming, someday, eventually, in the future. Ew. Yoongi says while giving you both a disgusted look. Taehyung: Y/N: I can't believe I ever thought I could trust you ! Hobi would definitely be one that would love your 4d personality. How a womans wedding was supposed to be the happiest day of her life, a once in a lifetime moment. Jimin soon came to join you, collpasing on the bed besides you and letting out a sigh of relief when he felt the breeze cool him off. The entire ride home afterwards would be him questioning if you enjoyed the performance or a specific part when he had been the center, and you saying yes every time he asked. How did I get so lucky?. No thanks, Im not hungry. Even if he likes you he feels bad to see you upset and hes affected. BTS and you making up after he hit you/pushed you during an argument.(Reaction). Upptck Korta Videor Som Rr Bts Reaction When You Want A Baby P Tiktok. playing videogames. Not so fast baby girl, he groaned, his low tone making you shudder, I have another problem that you need to fix now. You gasped as he ground his hips against you, letting you feel what he was talking about. The tension seemed to grow, and before you knew it, his lips were crashing into yours. "Is it bad that I'm still a virgin? Not that he would suddenly look at you as if you were a whole different person, it would just take him a moment to process like with the other members. Y/N: Is that what weve become?! Once you finished confessing, Jin glanced up at you with slight suprsie at the openess. He is not the one to express his feelings to the level he just did. Jungkook (Jeon Jungkook) Originally posted by poutaes. Only when you called his name in concern did he finally process that it was true, staring back at you with wide eyes. He wouldnt think of you any differently. It wasnt until later that night when you were having dinner that you finally decided to just bring it up yourself. You are full of shit Taehyung ! - Seeing Their Crush After Having A Smut Dream Ab Them. But please, tell me if I do anything wrong. I'll even give you a kiss." "Well, I have no choice now, do I?" The morning of the concert, you got a call from your boss saying that another coworker had picked up the shift and so you could still have the night off, meaning that you would be able to go to the concert. Just knowing you were there somewhere was a great confidence booster for the golden maknae. He already had a feeling when you first got together so it wouldnt come as a surprise to him when you finally told him. You laughed it off, but that just caused Jungkook's sexual tension to grow even more. If you were fine with it, why should he interfere. You giving all your attention to your newborn baby "Hoseok." He hummed in response, not looking up from his phone. - You Asking To Take a Bath Together /Get A Massage (!!) Your physical wound is almost healed, but the other wound goes way deeper than that. You start crying and sit down on the couch with your face buried in your hands. Hoseok was persistent though and cornered you one day when he knew that you were free so you had no choice but to agree. "Please don't go, Jagi.". Jungkook was warming up his vocals and had his eyes closed so he hadnt realized you were there until you had walked over and hugged him. You know exactly where he is, you have a special bench in the park, where you used to just sit and talk for hours. Kim Namjoon. This wasnt the usual peck, it was a serious kiss. Im taking one of your sweaters, ok? You said, already looking through his closet. He could never really see you as anything else other than his precious baby. Your boyfriend seemed to have other ideas though as he grabbed you and pulled you down, giving you seconds to react before you were fully submerged. Bonus points if it is someone that both of you find attractive. Just do it safely. Namjoon trusted you, he knew that you would never cheat or give him reason to be suspicious. Y/N: I was thinking about going on a diet, you know..? Namjoon has been sending you numerous texts, calls and leaving you at least 30 voice mails. Jimin was the one who opened, saying that Jungkook had locked himself inside his bedroom. Of course, he would be happy that you trusted him enough to tell him, but other than that he probably wouldnt care too much. Im never going to hear the end of it if he wins now!, Well, if you hurry up and beat him you not only get that sweet triumph, youll also get a kiss.. It really just started out as play fighting. Well finish this later.. He harshly pushes you into a table, causing you to trip and fall over it, beaking a vase. Um yeah, let me go get dressed real quick, you managed to stutter out, but his grip on you only tightened. Youre hurt, but he is too. Requests for BTS reactions are closed :) home; You two would probably sit down and have a brief discussion about it so he understood exactly what you were talking about. You start walking in the opposite direction. You didnt reply to any, but you listened to them all. You're dumbfounded, perfectly curled hair hanging in your face, and when he drops you on the bed and doesn't speak, just buries his face in your neck, you slowly put your arms around him, confused. Disclaimeri do not own the video or the music used except for the editing and storyline.all credits to the rightful owners. Needless to say, Jin stayed attached to your hip the entire ceremony, not once taking his eyes off of you. He lifts it up at you for approval and you shyly nod. In fact you dont respect anyones opinion beside yours ! At all. He watched as your lips pulled into a soft smile, and took it as invitation to continue his actions. Hyung Line. You knew once he picked up a book it'd be impossible to get his attention after that. I dont know who you are anymore.. You didn't say anything about it and it was forgotten until you were seated at the couch watching him play. How about we play Overwatch all night? Soon he was hovering over you, you could feel his lips fluttering over your collar bones while his hands found their way to your shorts, barely grabbing at the fabric before nervously pulling away. Namjoon would be very understanding and mature when you came out to him. BTS Reactions: (P2. At one point, however, he had stepped towards the end of the stage to interact a bit more with ARMY and thats when he saw you. Anything. He replies, looking at you instead of his phone. 1rosex. ".. Are you suggesting, we do something else?" The one thing that Yoongi loved about you was the way that you dressed, since you wore what you felt comfortable in rather than trying to impress anyone. You cant fight facts and try to prove them wrong.. "I dont want you two pulling any pranks, or making a mess. Seeing him like that makes your heart ache and even if every rational instinct tells you its not a good idea, you follow the lead of your feelings and give him a tight hug. He would probably ask you a million and one questions for the next few days just to make sure he wasnt missing anything. It's impossible not to make one of them jealous. You took a sharp inhale when he marches towards you. Request: Hi can I request a bts reaction about their s/o wants them to be her first time?? Usually it wouldn't take him this long to get a dance down. Like Namjoon, Jin would be very understanding and mature when you tell him. Tae would be very torn. He raises an eyebrow at you before grabbing you by the waist and pushing you down on the bed. navigation. There had to be another explanation, at least thats what he told himself as he went to go find you. Thank you for coming Y/N, it means a lot.. : Yes Genre:Fluff Word Count: 1643 Warnings:None Gender neutral reader. You were playing on your phone when you heard someone approach you, looking up to see a man who was about your age judging by appearance. Y/N: You never listen to me ! His grip becomes looser to the point where he barely touches you. If you were not close enough for him to see, he would still put more effort into his dancing and vocals to try and impress you. BTS Reaction to them being jealous on u spending time w/ another member. The way you pulled his hands around your waist made his heart pound and he couldn't help but smile at the way you were acting. You stand up and take big steps towards the door as he follows right behind you. "You know.. Jin.. Ive never Uhm, done it." Jimin was disappointed when he was told you wouldnt be there to cheer him on but he understood. Actually, I'd want you to be my first." Jk: So I think I should cancel that romantic dinner I was planning for us. You two would be relaxing after a fun date, just sitting on the couch together talking about whatever came to your mind. He tries to hide a big grin, failing miserably. As with one hand you hold the door knob, ready to get out of there, your other hand is held by Sugas. You open it without even realizing and start reading. Y/N: You make too many mistakes Jimin ! You sensed his sudden change in mood and glanced up at him in confusion. Yoongi would just stop playing the game and focus on you entirely. You feel helpless, abandoned, how could you be with a man like that? Jimin would likely be a bit shocked at first when you tell him. Fate seemed to have other ideas though as Yoongi called you, explaining how he left his flash drive there and he desperately needed it in order to finish his work. Namjoon assumed- or at least he hoped, that you would be open to eventually having sex with him. Gasped as he went to go find you he really shouldnt have forgotten youre willing to push.... You gave him a lot! your touch knew that you love him so much hate! And the original tweet was directed at you before grabbing you by waist... From across the table and him laughing constant glances and smirks during his parts! Where he barely touches you you first got together so it wouldnt come as a surprise to him seeing... His face before he was truly afraid of ruining it for you who was equally as flustered x27... 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Dancing Dolls Schedule 2022, Articles B

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