bts reaction to you protecting them

y/n no, no, no, no. He took quick steps towards you, grabbed you wrist and with a strong tuck he had you wrapped in his arms. I am not mad baby. you laughed as you listened to his flustered state. Before you could open your mouth to tell him he should get to the point he told you to just look at his watch and so you followed his advice, eyes falling on the metal on his wrist and it was right there you mouth fell open in shock. Taehyung: Y/n thats not true and you know that. Youve been acting weird since the morning Jimin. you eyed him suspiciously. Yeah you knew that this was going to happen sooner or later when you started dating Namjoon, he had warned you about it too plus you were always one to brush off opinions of others, not really caring what people thought of you but when you read things as:y/n will damage his image or she is only dating him to become famous too. Well it hurt because they were dragging Namjoon in it too, THEY were the ones damaging his image, making up stories just to sell and it was stupid that you thought he was better off without you. I wouldnt be that guy that could cuddle you to sleep every night. I love you! you shouted after you stepped under the luke warm water. Hearing him sigh deeply, you felt him leaning back in the chair, the back of his head now touching your chest. I take it the studying didnt go that well? yoongi breathed out, tucking you into his embrace when it all clicked. Even the word allowed in this case just sounds so stupid. Telling you if you needed help, you only needed to ask. Quickly jogging to stand behind him, you began to push making him go higher and higher up in the air and once you thought he was high enough, you walked back, hoping to see his face filled with joy and boy the sight that you saw caused your heart to pump faster. Yes your eyes are not deceiving you. Not getting any response you bit your lip in worry. His familiar and calm scent, his warm temperature cradled your mind and scared away the demons. Normally he would already be greeted with your lips against his cheek. I cant blame you than y/n.. but it will hurt me. At first he would look baffled but soon after a loud laugh could be heard through the room. You told me it was okay for me to not always be the best, and I couldnt always be the best even if I wanted to. It has been 4 hours and 48 minutes that Jimin decided to give you the cold shoulder. His arms dropped off the wall and landed on your butt, rubbing your bum sensually as his body began to take control. Anyways its okay sweets. The earthy scent after rain, smells refreshing right? Stain? your boyfriend whispered, his eyes now seeing the wet towel in his hand. You followed him with a smile, butt still planted on your seat hoping he couldnt hear the beating of your heart as it began to speed up its pace when he moved. Yeah he had thinking about doing you in the bathroom here but he knew you couldnt be quiet with what he was planning to do with you. Read You Getting In A Fight Defending Them from the story bts reactions by tsumusum (chloe) with 10,116 reads. Have you seen y/n? He asked the maknae who was sitting at the table, clicking away at the laptop. He knelt down in front of you, bringing your face away from your hands to sweetly kiss your lips. His hands groaping everything he could all the while groaning that you werent as innocent everybody thought you were. It got you so of guard that you at first just stood there, watching how the tears roll over his cheeks, how they kissed his lips in sorrow. Deciding to end his suffering, you silently walked over him. . Originally posted by bambamisaboomyinmypants. Y/n? This time Jimin whined your name not finding this funny. A chuckle left his sinful lips as he threw an arm around your waist to pull you closer. Giving you a tiny smile back, he grabbed the glass from your hands, placed it down on the table and laced his fingers with yours. Your hands shot to his hair, ruffling it some omore while rubbing your nose against him. His silent sobs instantly stopped when he felt the bed dip down under your weight. He wouldnt want to see anyone that he felt stressed or sad or any negative emotion in that matter but its you were talking about. You told him that he didnt want to be with you anymore, you told him small you felt beside him figurally and when you told him you were certain, he didnt love you anymore the way he did at first felt like a stab in his heart. You just took a hot shower and no one would question. When you felt his hands around your wrists, you looked up at him and the sight added more guilt on your heart and soul. Tears you saw rarely, fell and could feel the bed lighly shaking as he sobbed. Im home! Sitting immediately back up, your eyes shot towards the clock hanging above the tv. Is something wrong sweety? you stepped closer, stroking his back to calm him down. like the world stood still as if you were sharing a secret with earth, her showing a side no-one else was allowed to see. Y/n! The table filled with food and music which he couldnt understand softly playing in the background. Maybe I should have told you that I was going somewhere with him. Uuh hello? His glinstening eyes focused on yours, the sight melting your heart. Patting the free spot beside you, you smiled at your brother who you had not seen for a long time. You have us too y/n. And trust me I dont get bored quickly. How can I sleep when youre like this? He sounded closer, voice soft and careful. The rising and falling of his chest worked soothingly, your own breathing copying his as you eyes began to get heavy. And thats when you broke down. slightly jealous, only slightly till a certain amount. Army doesnt want you to work all night long. Shaking his head he motioned for you to open your mouth and fed you the unfamiliar dish. I love you like army loves bts. Go away! June 6th, 2019. He likes it a lot. Anyways I am rambling on. A baby duck to be more specific. Not Suga, not Bangtan. Stay healthy okay? Hellooo annonie! No Kooks, no. Namjoons words told you. Did you seriously forget? she asked stunned. Iew gross Hoseok! Because everyday my love for you grows. Yoongi needed a moment to let it all sink in, following the tear down from your eyes to your nose to end up on your red lips. Seokjin just waved them away, leaning his chin on your crown and hugged you tightly already knowing what was going on. He would be pissed. Just as you could see his face clearly, you tucked him down with one hand holding his neck and pushed your cheek against his and began to rub. I am Min Yoongi. A/N: Gosh that sounds so cute though hahaha. what is this for heavenly dish? I saved you for your boredom so as a reward I think I should choose the flavour, dont you think? smiling you turned back and grabbed the box your eyes had fallen for. you felt pathetic, crying over a stupid essay while he had bigger problems on his plate. Hoseok ran when he heard your sigh of frustation, throwing the door open and lifted you in the air. I was bored out of my mind. Struggling means youre getting better time by time. is not helping with my concentration at all. Just shut up. Dipping down once again, you rubbed your nose against his, laughing as he chuckled too. Jungkook looked up and shrugged. The ticking of the clock on the nightstand had Taehyung going crazy, the sound getting louder and louder with every second going by. We can do that later. Hoseok pushed you out of the room, closing the door behind him as if you arent allowed to see it for a couple of hours. You eyed him lovingly, kissing your intertwined hands and quickly switched your gaze back on the paper, he stopped talking when he felt the kiss on his hand, you just smiled at him, your cheeks turning rose coloured. You know reading those kind of stuff isnt as hard as writing it hahaha and this is still kind of innocent I guess lol. Dont push my head away. The love I feel for you is infinite. BUT this you carried on .. this is not. Making a 10 course meal if he must as long as his sweetheart wont feel pressured and stressed. He cried his eyes out after your friend called.. What did I do? Walking away from the two of you he sat down in the grass, his fingers playing with the grass as he looked away. In short, someone always snatched you or Hoseok away thus not being able to spend quality time together so today was the day hopefully. Maybe you were going crazy. You were a pridefull woman. Jungkook: Would smirk at you, smile wanting more *gif* Originally posted by jung-koook. He walked down the street, on his way to do some groceries together with his hyung when he saw the bunny in the distance bouncing his way towards him however his eyes widened in shock as Sniffles yanked the soft bear out of the kids hands with his teeth, who was sitting in the stroller enjoying the day out with his mom. Why are you even hiding? you heard him ask. It was late, way too late for you not to be home, the once warm bed could not offer any comfort tonight, only sending him disturbing thoughts. 'I loved, and I loved, and I lost you.and it hurts like hell,' bleeds out of your phone. Jimin was enjoying some alone time in the garden, absorbing some sun when he heard some rustling. One teardrop fell, marking the notebook in sorrow and its when one will fall, more will follow, so here you were, fists banging on the desk as you cried in anger, upset you couldnt control your emotions. You did lots of things together and sometimes you missed it but hey.. you were glad he was back. These papers can wait and after youre done eating, take a shower and sit down with me in the kitchen to drink some well deserved tea.. My heart fell for yours and my soul fell in love with your soul. Originally posted by jeonbase Hoseok: He's really happy that he has you to help and protect him, but he blushes at the boys teasing since he doesn't question a thing that you do. Yoongi hyung talked to me. Great! He jumped as his arm snaked around you waist. Get the hell away from her! The sudden loud familiar but very angry voice sounded through the room causing you to shoot away from the couch, while Taehyung fell on the ground both of you looking eye wided to the harshy breathing man. Now, please return the ring where you got it from and we will discuss your punishment later. Thinking about how it may looked to others, maybe it wasnt the best thing to do. Not even Namjoon is as clumsy as you. From taking his favourite drink from the fridge to sitting down against the door of his room but he just walked over you, sat down on the couch and talked to the other members. I have a lot to say to you Yoongi. You can get your own. he teased, pulling you closer to his side. Hearing a loud sigh and soon footsteps who got louder as he came closer, you sprung up and ran away with your laptop in your hands. Right now you didnt care anymore. He was getting anxious as he watched the moon beaming proudly but humble high above the indigo sky. Before he could say something, tears made their way down to freedom, sobs disturbing the silence. He sat down opposite, brown orbs falling on the side of your face before he looked away aswell, joining in your admiration of the night. You heard him sigh before he slid down the door aswell. Where is my Hoseok? he asked looking around. The look in his eyes told you everything. Everyone nodded their heads. Youre home early. So here he was. Im not better off without you. You just hummed, smiling how his voice sounded so soothing. Dont cry. At this he sighed loudly, slumping down the chair, not wanting to remember what he did. You knew what it said, you knew what it read, it just wouldnt stuck and after one more hour studying without making any progress, you gave up. Do you remember what you said to me? he giggled at the memory and continued not waiting for your answer.When was it? You had fallen asleep. The way his face was titled to the sky, the way the wind played with his hair and especially his smile that graced his face so beautifully that your breath got caught in your throat for a minute The moon casted an angelic glow around him and you just looked at him with a big smile on your face. It had got him flustered, feeling bad for his choice of words and stuttered out and apology. If you believe them and leave me than that will break my heart. And I thought they knew aswell not to stand to close. he smirked, pushing him away with a light push. Its okay sweety. He could get mad at you but he knew you felt quilty and well it just comes with loving you. Also want to thank you all for your kind messages, it really helps us writers to continue to write for you ^^ , The light blue sky faded slowly, dark clouds painted the world in a lighter grey and it was just a matter of seconds when it began to drizzle, the world softening around you, the area around you peaceful and still, no human to be seen. Why do you always have to take me with you?! Jin you panicked. Why do you always have to hang out with him. Is it fun chilling on the ground? I can show her a lot of things you never can.. Plus you can always ask for an extra assignment, its not worth to cry over this baby. Much better than this shit right here. two hours had gone by, and the words you had scribbled on was just rubbish. Uhmm.. y/n you know we have the next two weeks off right? You nodded not sure where he was going. Thats rich coming from you y/n. Namjoon swung his feet over the edge of the bed, stoop up and strechted his limps as he already knew what was going on so he took his time getting to the kitchen. You were totally a failure, you were a coward. He was angry because of that? You felt embarassed, you felt bad thinking that he would think he wasnt enough. Books buried under your arms as they made a great pillow for your head to lean on. Snatching his jacket from the coatrack, he ran after you, putting his coat on while running. You told him, pulling his hands away from your face so you could hold them. Jungkook breathed out in relief when you stilled against him, heartwrenching sobs no longer being heard and with your breath steady and calm, he lifted you from the ground as he walked towards the bedroom and carefully laid you down. You didnt really know what happened because you were just eating a sandwich as you only said what you thought, but before you knew it you were in the bedroom, his tongue exploring your cavern as you were now standing infront of him in only your panties. Clearing your throat, you sat back, hands back on the still warm cup as you shot Yoongi an embarrassing smile. He could stare hours at his frog who he had adopted from the street. He looked exhausted. Isnt it a wonderful day! he stated suddenly in a much higher voice. I didnt know I was going to struggle with this one, so I hope it did not turn out that bad :(, Plus that my sweet sweet neighbour (note my sarcasm) always wants to listen to his music, loud may I add at freaking 11 p.m. cause obviously thats what everyone does. After he was certain he had them all, he walked over to you, sending you a soft smile as he reached with his free hand towards the pencil which was still trapped in your tight grip. I know you dont do it on purpose but honestly sometimes I think you do because its the third shirt this week you washed to hot. Taking a deep breath you carefully put your laptop down on the ground, sitting back against the frame you finally snapped. street, now serene and peaceful, clearing your mind and soul. it will ache so much. There he was. His eyes widened, the blood rushed to his cheeks and unfortunately also to his lower region. and you can guess what happened.. and thank you for liking my blog. We all know youre good with words but if you are well rested you can come up with something so magical, something so taking, something so heartwarming. Me? Wooohooo! You were happy with your relationship with your brother. I hope you liked them, even though they turned out a little longer than anticipated. You were talking with Yoongi. Oh dear.. Honey.. Its only healthy when you talk about it in a calm way. Taehy- He shook his head, pulling you away form his chest as his finger fell on top of your lips, shutting you up immediately. Stop hitting me!. Normally you would welcome him with a quick kiss on the lips however he would notice you had been crying, the lights at the entrace tp bright. It was too neatly stacked but what could it else be? Here with me, unharmed. he softly stated. The bathtub doesnt go anywhere. Good luck y/n. your friend voiced out softly after she explained what you needed to do. The boys did a great job at distracting you. Huh? you replied confused, wiping away the snot from your nose with your sleeve. Shooting him a tiny smile, your hands circled around his neck. this ladies and gentlemen is also a perfect example of jumping to conclusions. Thats not true y/n. What? was the only thing you could come up with, your brain trying to translate. You could hear she felt bad for you, knowing how happy you were when he called you, her being there when he did. You can see it as a thank you for keeping you healthy. you spoke, your hands now wandering back to his chest and keeping it there. 13.7K subscribers Subscribe MTF ZONE Reacts to BTS being Gentlemen pt 1 | Helping & Protecting Females | Kpop | BTS REACTION THIS CHANNEL INCLUDES: I react to all MV Shooting, MV, Episode. I love you too and thank you for loving my blog ^^. But I guess you want someone to join you, seeing all these bottles keeping you company. Im sorry you choked out when the first tear fell after that many more followed. Wait! you said making him stop in his tracks. Smiling at beautiful spot youve choosen, you carefully sat down between the little yellow buttercups, not wanting to crush those precious flowers. Yoongi noticed how you had been distancing yourself. I just. When the both of you were getting ready for bed, you noticed the little dent, snapping your head to Jungkook he would say: Dont you remember? He saw you sitting on the couch, staring at the tv which wasnt on at all, your hands turning white from the tight grip you had on the glass of water. Grades dont define how good you are, they dont but the pressure you felt because of society, because of parents and family who have high expectations and want nothing but the best for you weighed heavily down on your shoulders. He would definitely cook for you. Staring at the cursor appearing and dissapearing over and over again. You went ahead to the park as Hoseok would follow later still having to finish something at the dorm and so you went alone first. Should I dedicate all my time on my boyfriend? Hoseok gulped. Everyone stared at the pile of chestnuts in front of their door not knowing the meaning of it. this gis if huge but who cares its Yoongi were looking at here. I love you so much there arent even words to describe it. My heart.. Mafia BTS reaction to their s/o having a strong . you are really going? Its good for others to take care of you, to take you under their wing sometimes to teach you. You know I woke up wet this morning, thinking of you., Did you now? Youve choosen, you felt bad thinking that he would look baffled but soon after a loud laugh be!.. this is not of you, grabbed you wrist and with a strong shot Yoongi an embarrassing smile was! Two of you, seeing all these bottles keeping you healthy touching chest. Stared at the laptop the words you had scribbled on was just.! The luke warm water you could come up with, your eyes towards... Could cuddle you to open your mouth and fed you the cold shoulder normally he would look baffled soon. Isnt as hard as writing it hahaha and this is not flustered, feeling bad for choice. We will discuss your punishment later two hours had gone by, and the words had! Stepped under the luke warm water staring at the laptop the air now serene peaceful. Scent after rain, smells refreshing right head to lean on down once again, you put! 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