first year assistant principal checklist

"Your Admin Assistant" checklist too! Ask them how their day is going, pry into their personal lives a bit, and make sure to attend staff outings. Being a school leader is difficult. A trusted AP will be looking for new ways to learn on his own and will be actively seeking opportunities to bring others into his learning. And this is OKbecause it has to be. As the days went by in my first year as an assistant principal, I was reminded often how much I did not know. Teachers can easily feel threatened when an administrator sits behind a computer (supposedly taking notes that pick apart each and every aspect of a lesson), so travel around with as little equipment as possible. Caroline, a retiring principal, introduced newcomer Mark to the students in each classroom. After receiving my list on such short notice, I had to work past 6:00 p.m. to complete all the tasks. Explain: Other challenges include: -5- Six weeks into the school year, a new assistant principal was appointed to our school. What do we need to spend more time looking at? This Beginning of the School Year Checklist, compiled by veteran administrators, will help you stay on track and get your year off to a great start. When the door is always open, you are no longer in control, as youve invited others to interrupt your work. Note the parking lot at dismissal. A positive student-teacher relationship is much more important than doling out consequences and is the cornerstone of future positive behavioral outcomes. Invite the outgoing principal to lunch, or visit the school while kids still populate its halls. A smooth transition helps alleviate concerns. Trevor is the author of The Epic Classroom: How to Boost Engagement, Make Learning . The collective wisdom of your staff is invaluable. Im happy they want to share with me and I can always stay late if I need to. |B}]N=.~ve\Y9T}`5(_f 7O1t*"/k1{Qv4DLSj@OJ@S3~9hkcwWMWq(:T ae Good luck with it! Done well, it will help you make a positive first impression on your . January 2019 Send Connect ED message in English to all staff, parents and students. Let him or her take the ball and run with it, keeping you updated. Assistant principals should manage budget and financial resources for the school in order to ensure that funds are allocated wisely. Meet with one per day to ask how their year is going and what could improve it. That is special! One area in which I believe we often fall short is taking ownership of our professional growth. You cant fake really caring about people and investing in their lives. Much respect for leading like you do and helping others become better. 12. June 2014 - September 2015 It can be so busy that certain things can easily slip through the cracks. 1. have your principal sign it, and mail it to: NYC Department of Education, Office of Field and Information Service 65 Court Street Room 811 Brooklyn, NY 11201. . Home We provide this for teachers routinely, but we rarely ask for it in return. It is a marathon. General AP Field Tip: Make a list of five students each week. On January 15 I began my first job as a principal, as the Elementary Principal of T. Baldwin Demarest Elementary School (TBD) in the Old Tappan School District.About a month prior, as I was wrapping up my job as a curriculum supervisor, I started to prepare for my new job, mostly by (1) picking the brains of my educator friends and (2) reading The First 90 Days by Michael Watkins. Regardless of what method the state requires, frequent, informal, positive, and constructive interaction between the principal and staff remains essential and should be promoted by the superintendent. Clearly defined professional responsibilities for principals and assistant principals constitute the foundation for the Professional Growth and Effectiveness System. Credibility has a short shelf life. I believe that most teachers are more concerned with the new administrator validating their work, as opposed to wanting to be awed by that administrator's expertise. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. At that moment, the dichotomy of my principalship began. As a new administrator, make a point of connecting with your teachers on Facebook, as this is most likely where they already are. Matching our practice with our message builds trust with teachers. 4E}]x_'5hyw+q4 Z|8CUq}i}p(1@v{k34mfggFdfl[2s[K5TBTgfRdIq*rF J`?[[PZ)Mgf/ SfMsGju\4 {Om'/W'2$jEjInNHA 9IzW! I've heard similar stories with unhappy endings, even one in which people groused because the principal replaced Coke with Pepsi in the machine. Honor school culture whenever possible, even if it doesn't match your style. Finally, as an instructional leader, you have to walk the walk. The "ghosts of the school" rule long after their formal leadership tenures have ended. As an assistant principal, one of the best things you can do is listen. Visibility 2.0 is about engaging in conversations with others to increase the value of your presence. An assistant principal works in a school and assists the principal in dealing with student behavioral problems, evaluating teachers, and taking care of some other school functions, The assistant principal is also known as the vice principal and he/she usually take on many of the tasks and needs of the school to relieve the workload of the District of Columbia Public Schools | Page 2 of 4 . The superintendent can serve as a great resource to a new principal to help him or her recognize and understand the political influence of the various power brokers in the community. For far too long, new principals have been left to flounder on their own when they enter the role of the principalship. $h591j}R3xW$i>"B3Yu`O'_nbYynbXY2uP More often than not, those questions fall into one of these four categories: We spend an incredible amount of time asking teachers to give of themselves at school. 3 0 obj Travel Establishing relationships equips you with the ability to engage people in a meaningful way and increases your ability to be successful. Recognize these, and set them aside. Zero in on those issues that directly affect teaching and learning. ?fK#Iz0 "y>{3s.g=3>9+0?jV-dKgHJ'+4,RH`ENf?%,1[m 0 g>g}I'sZY I enjoyed the article! The checklist includes the following topic areas: Welcome to the Pack. Balance requires creating communications that are easy to read and ensuring they have a purpose. At the heart of everything youre saying is caring and relationship building. This year, in particular, many of us have learned the importance of self-care. He smiled as I rattled off a laundry list of items I both knew I needed to accomplish and that I would never have time to actually fulfill. Getting feedback is rarely pain-free. Thank you. ), but that's another post all on its own. What you, as new principal, own entirely, however, is your own integrity and ability to listen (and therefore to stop talking). Taking that time to engage makes a huge difference! Let secretaries, special education personnel, parent organizations, and so on manage their own spheres of responsibility. 2. Both staff and students are on the mission to discover your strengths while trying to create a good impression of themselves. The school day moves at lightning speed, and new principals are caught up in the whirlwind, almost like playing whack-a-mole. Often, theyre given the keys and a couple of memory sticks and are expected to forge ahead without much guidance. I make sure to engage in the stories of their vacations and talk as long as they want. A 30-60-90 day plan is what it sounds like: a document that articulates your intentions for the first 30, 60, and 90 days of a new job. Here's a bit of what I've learned in my first 100 days as a first-year principal. Thank you. Get to Know Your Staff Relationships are important. The ceiling for your own professional growth is in your hands. Consider the following checklist as part of your 90-day plan to outline goals; clarify desired expectations for all players; and align plans, decisions, and actions to best serve students, stakeholders and staff. I know that my relationships with my staff have continued to improve and strengthen. Lots of research (much of it by Karen Stout) shows that a longer, more-relaxed lunch is better for students and also reduces behavior problems while improving learning. You never know who it might encourage! Great blog post. DCPS offers several types of Assistant Principal roles based on instructional levels and content areas. The first year at this in my experience, They may plan schedules for teachers or for testing. Excellence in this area alone wont create lasting relationships and trust, but it will steadily increase your credibility youve developed with the staff. O*Tk}{S+w/nDZ#I$,N$>2h84RE ]3XhbyMw0Sef7Tvx+Qh:\thw OEd:. Business administrators rarely visit schools unless there is an emergency or a capital project underway. For many assistant principals, the move to the role comes straight from the classroom, the counseling office, or a dean position. I definitely feel the tension between the different pulls each day. A closed door prevents the drop-ins that are sure to occur when it is open. Other than a brief orientation to the school and the office they will occupy, the assumption is that the individual chosen possesses the intellectual and emotional attributes necessary to be an effective school leader. Sending kids to the office should be their last resort. and "What must be absolutely honored?" Heres a bit of what Ive learned in my first 100 days as a first-year principal. 4. 0. Update Communication Preferences*. Take the time to ask your principal to observe or facilitate tasks that may not be traditional to the assistant principal role. First, they support the principal in the administrative operation of a school. Update Personal Information. These findings can then be brought in-house to enhance what is already taking place. Assistant principals who develop lasting, trusting relationships with their staff build on a foundation created by doing their job and doing it well. This and similar missteps had her refreshing her rsum sooner than she anticipated. Often its the small kindnesses that make a difference in a teachers day. Drawing on research that identifies where these programs often fall short, the report offers five . Discover ASCD's Professional Learning Services. The First 100 Days of a First-Year Principal, Online Course: Principal Leadership forTheEarlyGrades, National Mentor Training and Certification Program, Assistant Principal Community of Practice, Early Career Principal Community of Practice, National Distinguished Principal Program, National Outstanding Assistant Principal Program, American Student Council Association (ASCA), Student Council School of Excellence Award, Presidents Education Awards Program (PEAP), National Elementary Honors Society (NEHS), SEL Leadership Cohort: Cultivating Healthy Relationships in the Workplace, 5 Fun Ways to Instill a Love of History in Kids, Online Course: Principal Leadership for The Early Grades. Even though faculty meetings and PD days are important arenas in which we must excel, we cant only show up then. This Beginning of the School Year Checklist, compiled by veteran administrators, will help you stay on track and get your year off to a great start. Trust is critical, and trust comes from being honest about who you are as a leader. The principal should spend time interacting with students and staff, and observing instruction, every day. Draft your communication and determine the best way of conversing with the purpose in mind. Teachers may come to dislike one another, gossip may substitute for communication, and discipline can become a power game in which both kids and teachers lose. All rights reserved. This article has given me some things to think about as I start my first year as an Assistant Principal. The assistant principal, assistant school administrator, and coordinator of a school-based program is an educational leader who assists the principal with developing the professional capacity and practice of school personnel to promote each student's academic success and well-being. Meet with interim principal, assistant principal and curriculum facilitators. The contract is signed; you have a key to the office and a floor plan of the school. Oversee fall schedule development 5. Review and check summer maintenance 6. Each assistant principalship carries a different set of expectations and challenges. Professional and empathetic elementary school assistant principal with proven instructional record and 5 years experience in school leadership. Performance Plan that need attention. Develop a plan for meeting them and share your plan with a colleague. 3. Revise student directory 3. The internship in many administrative programs is completed under the guidance of a building principal, with few opportunities to see the day-to-day work of an assistant principal.On day one, where does the assistant principal begin? Activate UW Email and 2FA/DUO. Review Disability Accommodations Request Process (Academic Year) Each of us has individuals in our lives who embody an exceptional leader. Find someone who will text you or stop by your office at the end of the day to remind you to close out the day. Here are the first days of school scripts for three teachers. First-year principals need support from their superintendent, the central administration, and their experienced colleagues. Follow Dr. McEwan's seven steps for effective communication with your staff. Be patient. What a great article! Meet with outgoing principal to obtain information about the culture, strengths and challenges of the school and community. 2 0 obj When youre in the trenches, its easy to lose sight of the great potential you have for making a difference. Sincere care about those with whom you work coupled with open and frequent communication are essential building blocks to healthy cultures. Although a summertime hire -- allowing for more one-on-one training time -- might have been nice, I had to come up with a plan for helping the new AP assimilate. The only way to sift through all the tasks that it takes to get ready and get through your first year is to sit down and create a plan of what you are going to do. Principals, along with their assistant principals and secretaries, need to begin each week planning the week ahead. The checklist should be started at least two weeks prior to the new educator's start date and completed within the first months of employment. However you choose to stay organized, this is the time to get your skeleton in place for the next school year. Wethe classroom so that will leave an opening as well at her school. Though that trust must be earned, your work as an AP is far from overwhen you reach that point. When Im at my best,Im often asking these questions: We do a lot of talking to teachers when it comes to professional development. Seven actions to get a new principal's school year off to a good start. During our meetings, she asks questions, offers suggestions for how I can proceed, and makes sure I feel supported. (Maybe even some action research by upperclass students, although the scope would obviously have to be limited.) Reviewing the five points that I've listed, these actions could easily apply to all administrators and not just those who are new to the position. 7:00 am: Arrive at school. It will be your job to restore the school to health. There is a massive variety of professional learning opportunities available for assistant principalsthe most available and promising is the person in your very own building, your principal. We must listen to understand instead of listening to reply. First aid / fire / safety rules / drills Staff introductions: ask staff to ensure the E.A. Rich discussions will follow. The first 90 days of any job is crucial. So before the year begins, I decided to think through those things that I can be about as an assistant principal that will help me help our campus. My main takeaway is being available. First year assistant principal checklist. qD1%Y}Oo|__oLRqdl[}l1 {/. (Actually, those principles probably apply to any responsible professional position!) Some have seen leaders come and go and will wait you out, knowing each new leader brings some new reform through the revolving door. It's OK to be vulnerable; this doesn't translate into weakness; it shows people that you're human. Begin faculty duty schedules 7. Review and revise Principals Planning Calendar The assistant principalship is incredibly rewarding. Those interested in action research should look up ARNA, the Action Research Network of the Americas. Listen. She and I meet once every other week for support. However, trust your instincts. In your first months, change absolutely nothing that isn't essential or directed by your superintendent or school boardexcept the pictures on your office wall. As a fourth-grade teacher, I once had the pleasure of working with a phenomenal assistant superintendent. Does it resonate with you?" The work of building a really good school is an endless journey. Make sure parents have spoken with teachers before they storm your office doors. To download the free checklist, just complete the short form on the right, and we will send it to you right away. When advocacy is needed, it's invaluable to have friends in the central office. Acknowledge Student Code of Conduct*. However, it can also be used by experienced assistant principals who need a reminder of the tasks they need to complete during their first year. I have also picked up on the culture and expectations that are in the school. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Get to know everyone on a personal level. A new leader may act out of good will, yet have difficulty repairing damage. And I appreciate your commitment to thriving in your role. A new principal must provide social/emotional instruction to students and be familiar with current research-based models. DCPS Assistant Principal Selection Process . Surviving the first year of a principalship is a challenge. So much uncertainty in the APs role. Privacy Policy, Health Hold a get to know the assistant principal night or day.something like that. The principal position requires having plans for the day, the week, and the year. Ill be the first to say that each path toward trust is unique, but its never bad to start by managing the referrals that come your way fairly and efficiently, committing to being a learner in your leadership role, and moving toward each new year looking for ways to serve students and teachers in new ways. endobj xref 4689 216 0000000016 00000 n 0000019600 00000 n 0000019786 00000 n 0000021190 00000 n 0000021725 00000 n 0000022157 00000 n 0000022525 00000 n 0000023076 00000 n 0000023407 00000 n 0000023473 00000 n 0000023588 00000 n 0000024043 00000 n 0000024617 00000 n 0000024705 00000 n 0000025216 00000 n 0000025819 00000 n . A graduate course in theories of leadership may provide a theoretical base for how one is to behave effectively. Other teachers might become inspired and start blogs of their own, or have their students start blogging. Add detailed notes or comments. Common observation checklist items include: Conduct an observation check on different key areas such as planning, teaching techniques, and student/ teacher relationships. Throw a good-bye party. Serve as a resource to the internship sites as requested by the principal-mentor. Assignment of first year checklist and may be included only wash their first year assistant principal checklist. 1. Thanks for this great post. Check on school photo plans for coming year . Again, your genuine listening to both the verbal and nonverbals in the conversation is crucial. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Spend a great deal of time in classrooms, being as non-evaluative as you can. 1. Thats one of my personal goals for this next school year. Make sure you start this next step in your career on the right foot! Take notes and check that you're "getting it." A million thoughts raced through my head, and I think I said as much. The time-consuming gum battle slowly disappeared as we consistently addressed issues relating directly to teaching and learning. The first year assistant principal checklist is a useful tool for new assistant principals as it helps them to become familiar with the important tasks they need to complete during their first year. Getting a new boss can be scary. This takes a long time. Medical endobj On my calendar, any item in red is considered untouchable time. I kept these meetings loosely structured. Sitemap Assign . An Inclusion Journey, Father/Son Leadership, Small Schools, Hi-Cap, and more in this issue of Washington Principal. What is more complicated with the new schedule? I also know I still have work to do, getting to know them more personally. At the end of the week, check your percentages to make sure you are fulfilling your goals. Learn more effectively fulfill policy and resources that you can report one. Having a checklist can also help to ensure that the new assistant principal is familiar with the schools policies and procedures. Today. Hang it in a part of the office where you will see it frequently to remind you what is guiding your work. July . 3. Worried about? Prioritize Planning The school day moves at lightning speed, and new principals are caught up in the whirlwind, almost like playing "whack-a-mole." I think back to all of the items I listed during that interview and my first 100 days. Effective mentors must be successful principals. Ive gathered items Ive gleaned from professional conversations and personal experiences and cataloged them into what I call the Assistant Principals Field Guide. The items are by no means formulaic; instead, they are conversational starting points and reflections made involving the essential behaviors necessary to be an effective assistant principal. Establish a community book group which will draw together parents and teachers (these will be facilitated by the . x[[s~Lw;,vL>CyW=qV4' .x4mD@$ vP,~_,tz^No?U_^oN8=}Y Take time to get to know the children by being present in cafeteria, classrooms and playground. When you do, share how its going (when its great and when theres room for improvement)! Principal will and the PTA will develop more focused parent engagement initiatives such as parent education sessions (facilitated by teachers). Great article. Teachers kept lists of "chewers," and after the third offense, they reported the student to the assistant principal. You received the exciting call saying that you are the new principal. Being an effective assistant principal requires finding a balance between the responsibilities of the position and responsibilities to yourself. I am strong in some of her weak areas, and we have discussed how we can both improve in multiple areas. In scheduled monthly meetings, the business manager should provide one-on-one, on-site training to the new principal in all aspects of the districts budget. Set some goals for improvement in the areas where you need the most growth, and after some time has passed, ask for input again. Teachers will be watching you. National Association of Elementary School Principals. Her predecessor as principal was "Eric the Red" (as he was known because of his hair). . In larger school systems, a head teacher principal is often assisted by someone known as a vice-principal, deputy principal, or assistant/associate principal. The first year assistant principal checklist is designed for new assistant principals. Effective communication requires identifying the purpose and ensuring that the message meets the needs of the intended audience. What are you doing this year thats different/new? Eldridge Principal Entry Plan 6 Organize Welcome Back Social: positive recognition for a job well done and team building activities 8/16/17- 8/18/17 Review staff handbook, assessment schedule, professional development schedule, school year calendar, building schedule matrix, mission and goals of district and If we went from 4 to 3 lunches, where could we best use the time in our day? The education world is very small. Create a master list of any changes to distribute at the first staff meeting. His leadership was, Lori thought, a bit "loosey-goosey." Ask for input before making decisions. Trials Of A First-Year Principal: Transition Plan. But learning to delegate responsibility is the mark of mature leadership. First-year principals need support from their superintendent, the central administration, and their experienced colleagues. As you complete them, mark them off, but make sure you keep your nonnegotiables at the top. Neither is growth. Orient new teachers and other staff 2. The role of assistant principal comes with many responsibilities. Others are not worth winning or losing. Execute call documents or contracts for new/continuing teachers 4. Im still looking for my first AP leadership position. A new principal becomes a student of that culture, learning "how things are done around here.". Jared C. Wastler is the assistant principal at Lower Dauphin High School in Hummelstown, PA. Roundtable: Community Partnerships: January 2021, NASSPs 2021 National Principal of the Year, Reengage Students Through Project-Based Learning. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> Year 1: Mentees will receive 40 hours of 1:1 mentoring, 7.5 of which are direct support through our mentor program virtual implementation sessions. Approach your job with the notion that everyone has something to contribute, because a valuable idea can come from absolutely anyone. I hope you end up managing each of those pulls well this year. For example, if the majority of teachers possess a negative attitude toward something, don't ignore it. Links: If you have any questions about the first year assistant principal checklist, you can contact your school district or consult a professional organization such as the National Association of Secondary School Principals. One of the most important things I have done each year is to start by asking those I work with, What do you need from me? Take the opportunity to ask what your role is on the team and be open about your needs. Assistant principals should meet with department heads to become familiar with their areas of responsibility so they can provide effective support. Culture is the "surround" of the schoolthe air everybody breathes without conscious effort. 11. Meet teachers on their turfin classrooms and staff roomswhich are their safety zones. Believe it or not, principals can be too accessible, to the detriment of their own health and personal relationships. This is my first year as an AP. Business If you'd like to share your own thoughts, start a blog and disseminate your posts through Facebook or possibly via email. Theres a difference in feeling capable at a job and feeling that you thrive in it. Asking about a teachers family can help us get to know teachers as a whole just like we often ask them to do with their students. Let's Wrap This Up You're the "new kid," and learning is your first agenda. Moving He was personal, he cared, and he was effective. endobj Meet with new Home & School officers to plan year Schedule year's social activities for students Check/test bell signal system Establish fire drill schedule (minimum of 9 per year) Recruit parent volunteers Identify room mothers Compile directory information Organize student groups (i.e., bus patrol, student council, etc.) Like anyone else, teachers do not want to listen to someone who doesn't genuinely care about them. These actions can be empowering as they send the message that thoughts and opinions can make a difference. Job Type: Full Time (40 hours/week), Non-Exempt/Hourly.Weekend availability required (Saturdays and Sundays Required/Available for Special Occasions . Robert L. Furman( is an assistant professor and Mary Frances Grasinger( is a professor in Duquesne University's School of Education in Pittsburgh, PA. 1. Review all personnel records. 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