mary queen of scots and elizabeth family tree

[222] The scaffold that was erected in the Great Hall was draped in black cloth. [82] In early 1563, he was discovered during a security search hidden underneath her bed, apparently planning to surprise her when she was alone and declare his love for her. Her son, King James VI of Scotland, calmly accepted his mother's execution, and upon Queen Elizabeth's death in 1603 he. [174] Elizabeth, as she had wished, concluded the inquiry with a verdict that nothing was proven against either the confederate lords or Mary. Mary Queen of Scots changed the spelling of the house to Stuart while she was living in France as the 'w' was apparently too difficult for French pronunciation! Elizabeth was placed in the care of Lady Margaret Bryan and given her own household at Hatfield Place. [239] In 1867, her tomb was opened in an attempt to ascertain the resting place of her son, James I of England. [62] Mary returned to Scotland nine months later, arriving in Leith on 19 August 1561. [126] Elizabeth wrote to Mary of the rumours: .mw-parser-output .templatequote{overflow:hidden;margin:1em 0;padding:0 40px}.mw-parser-output .templatequote .templatequotecite{line-height:1.5em;text-align:left;padding-left:1.6em;margin-top:0}, I should ill fulfil the office of a faithful cousin or an affectionate friend if I did not tell you what all the world is thinking. The early years of her personal rule were marked by pragmatism, tolerance, and moderation. [104] Over the next two days, a disillusioned Darnley switched sides and Mary received Moray at Holyrood. His childhood was constantly disturbed by the . Moray refused, as Chastelard was already under restraint. ", The lonely child received a superior education. [64] As a devout Catholic, she was regarded with suspicion by many of her subjects, as well as by the Queen of England. [142], On 2 May 1568, Mary escaped from Loch Leven Castle with the aid of George Douglas, brother of Sir William Douglas, the castle's owner. His death occurred soon after an unsuccessful rebellion in the North of England, led by Catholic earls, which persuaded Elizabeth that Mary was a threat. Famously, Henry VIII, In 1558, Elizabeth finally became Queen of England and Ireland though it was a, Which brings us to Mary, the only surviving child of her father, King James V of Scotland. Last modified on Wed 8 Feb 2023 09.02 EST. Upon his death in 1547, she was named third in the line of succession, eligible to rule only in the unlikely event that her siblings, Edward VI and Mary I, died without heirs. Mary spent her childhood surrounded by cousins, slavish servants, tutors and pets. Mary (16051607) 1 year for just $29.99 $8 + a free tote. In the other, Mary: feminine, charming, romantic and reckless. Mary, Queen of Scots, may have been the monarch who got her head chopped off, but she eventually proved triumphant in a roundabout way: After Elizabeth died childless in 1603, it was Marys son, James VI of Scotland and I of England, who ascended to the throne as the first to rule a united British kingdom. She was said to have been born prematurely and was the only legitimate child of James to survive him. [181] Elizabeth considered Mary's designs on the English throne to be a serious threat and so confined her to Shrewsbury's properties, including Tutbury, Sheffield Castle, Sheffield Manor Lodge, Wingfield Manor, and Chatsworth House,[182] all located in the interior of England, halfway between Scotland and London and distant from the sea. Throughout his adult life Robert Stedall has been fascinated by genealogy, researching in detail both his own family tree and that of his wife, Elizabeth Clay. [176] In Fraser's opinion, it was one of the strangest "trials" in legal history, ending with no finding of guilt against either party, one of whom was allowed to return home to Scotland while the other remained in custody. Widowed following the unexpected death of her first husband, Frances Francis II, she left her home of 13 years for the unknown entity of Scotland, which had been plagued by factionalism and religious discontent in her absence. The death of Queen Elizabeth II In July 2022 the Queen travelled to Balmoral Castle in Aberdeenshire for her yearly summer retreat. Among them was the Duke of Norfolk,[172] who secretly conspired to marry Mary in the course of the commission, although he denied it when Elizabeth alluded to his marriage plans, saying "he meant never to marry with a person, where he could not be sure of his pillow". FACT CHECK: We strive for accuracy and fairness. On 24 July 1567, she was forced to abdicate in favour of her one-year-old son. [50] Henry II of France proclaimed his eldest son and daughter-in-law king and queen of England. Mary, Queen of Scots, was barely one week old when she succeeded to the throne in 1542. Elizabeth, daughter of the mercurial King Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn, was born on September 7, 1533, at Greenwich Palace. After months of conflict and turmoil in Scotland, she had decided to entrust her fate to her cousin, Elizabeth I of England. [134] The marriage was tempestuous, and Mary became despondent. Both Protestants and Catholics were shocked that Mary should marry the man accused of murdering her husband. Henry VIII succeeded his father, Henry VII, on the throne. [248] There is no concrete proof of her complicity in Darnley's murder or of a conspiracy with Bothwell. She is endued with a masculine power of application. She developed a devoted little court, and a clutch of servants who would stay with her for decades. [85] Both Mary and Darnley were grandchildren of Margaret Tudor, sister of Henry VIII of England, and patrilineal descendants of the High Stewards of Scotland. Regardless of whether sexual attraction, love or faith in Bothwell as her protector against the feuding Scottish lords guided Marys decision, her alignment with him cemented her downfall. Advertising Notice From August to October 1565, Moray attempted to arouse Edinburgh citizens against Mary's authority. [53] Two of the Queen's uncles, the Duke of Guise and the Cardinal of Lorraine, were now dominant in French politics,[54] enjoying an ascendancy called by some historians la tyrannie Guisienne. On 1 July 1543, when Mary was six months old, the Treaty of Greenwich was signed, which promised that, at the age of ten, Mary would marry Edward and move to England, where Henry could oversee her upbringing. [23], Shortly before Mary's coronation, Henry arrested Scottish merchants headed for France and impounded their goods. [195], In 1571, Cecil and Walsingham (at that time England's ambassador to France) uncovered the Ridolfi Plot, a plan to replace Elizabeth with Mary with the help of Spanish troops and the Duke of Norfolk. [24] The Treaty of Greenwich was rejected by the Parliament of Scotland in December. Elizabeth was thrown into the Tower of London, where her mother Anne Boleyn had died. [56] In early 1560, the Protestant Lords invited English troops into Scotland in an attempt to secure Protestantism. | Around 8 a.m. on February 8, 1587, the 44-year-old Scottish queen knelt in the great hall of Fotheringhay Castle and thanked the headsman for making an end of all my troubles. Three axe blows later, she was dead, her severed head lofted high as a warning to all who defied Elizabeth Tudor. Elizabeth I and Mary, Queen of Scots have met many times on stage and on screen - from Friedrich Schiller's early 19th-century play Mary Stuart, to Saoirse Ronan and Margot Robbie's dramatic head-to-head in Josie Rourke's film, Mary Queen of Scots. Mary, Queen of Scots (8 December 1542 - 8 February 1587), also known as Mary Stuart or Mary I of Scotland, reigned over Scotland from 14 December 1542 until her forced abdication on 24 July 1567. Due to her rank, Elizabeth demanded Mary be kept in relative luxury with a small retinue of loyal servants to keep her company. A post-mortem revealed internal injuries, thought to have been caused by the explosion. 1534 - 1578. Two days later, he forced his way into her chamber as she was about to disrobe. Mary, Queen of Scots, also known as Mary Stuart, was the queen of Scotland from December 1542 until July 1567. [131] On 6 May, Mary and Bothwell returned to Edinburgh. [71] Modern historian Jenny Wormald found this remarkable and suggested that Mary's failure to appoint a council sympathetic to Catholic and French interests was an indication of her focus on the English throne, over the internal problems of Scotland. Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/Getty Images. Hennes ktenskap med Skottlands kung Jakob IV var mnat att skapa fred mellan de tv lnderna Skottland och England som lnge legat i fejd. The Queen and her family are constantly in the news, from Prince Charles to his sons Prince William and. Her last words were, In manus tuas, Domine, commendo spiritum meum ("Into thy hands, O Lord, I commend my spirit"). Though this isn . Her redheaded daughter was considered the bastard child of a whore.. To date, acting luminaries from Katharine Hepburn to Bette Davis, Cate Blanchett and Vanessa Redgrave have graced the silver screen with their interpretations of Mary and Elizabeth (though despite these womens collective talent, none of the adaptations have much historical merit, instead relying on romanticized relationships, salacious wrongdoings and suspect timelines to keep audiences in thrall). Mary Queen of Scots picks up in 1561 with the eponymous queens return to her native country. [241] After the accession of James I in England, historian William Camden wrote an officially sanctioned biography that drew from original documents. Where one relative has been married more than once, the spouses are also numbered. I did put myself to the school of experience, she said decades later, where I sought to learn what things were most fit for a king to have, and I found them to be four: namely, justice, temper[ance], magnanimity, and judgement.. The constitution of her mind is exempt from female weakness, her tutor Robert Ascham would write. Your Privacy Rights "[224] Her servants, Jane Kennedy and Elizabeth Curle, and the executioners helped Mary remove her outer garments, revealing a velvet petticoat and a pair of sleeves in crimson brown, the liturgical colour of martyrdom in the Catholic Church,[225] with a black satin bodice and black trimmings. [150] Mary's clothes, sent from Loch Leven Castle, arrived on 20 July. How haps it Governor, she asked in 1537, yesterday my Lady Princess, and today but my Lady Elizabeth?, And so, the newly-styled Lady Elizabeth was declared illegitimate and coldly hidden out of her fathers sight, with a small household and little income. Janet Dickinson paints the Scottish queens relationship with Elizabeth in similar terms, arguing that the pairs dynamic was shaped by circumstance rather than choice. 'Deciphering Mary Stuarts lost letters from 1578-1584', "Stewart, Henry, duke of Albany [Lord Darnley] (1545/61567)", "Deciphering Mary Stuart's Lost Letters to Michel de Castelnau Mauvissire",,_Queen_of_Scots&oldid=1142077397, People executed by Tudor England by decapitation, People executed under the Tudors for treason against England, Heads of government who were later imprisoned, Kingdom of Scotland expatriates in France, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using Sister project links with wikidata namespace mismatch, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 11:09. Elizabeth I of England and Mary, Queen of Scots. One of history's more tragic figures, Mary's complicated personal life and political immaturity were her undoing. Relations between Mary and Elizabeth had soured following the Scottish queens union with Darnley, which the English queen viewed as a threat to her throne. All too frequently, representations of Mary and Elizabeth reduce the queens to oversimplified stereotypes. Two days later Mary was escorted to Carlisle Castle - and so began almost 19 years as a prisoner, before her . [235], Mary's request to be buried in France was refused by Elizabeth. Things got so bad that the year of her mothers death, Elizabeths governess pleaded for money, complaining the child hath neither gown, nor kirtle, nor petticoat., Elizabeths childhood was not totally devoid of comfort. Sophia (1607), 1998- Mary married him in 1558 when he was the Dauphin, heir to the French throne. [80] The proposal came to nothing, not least because the intended bridegroom was unwilling. She was executed by beheading on February 8, 1587 at Fotheringhay Castle, a week after Elizabeth signed the death warrant for thetroublesome cousin she had never met. Although she was famously dubbed the Virgin Queen, Elizabeth only embraced this chaste persona during the later years of her reign. For the next 13 years, the little Dauphiness- Queen would be worshipped by both the French royal family and her mothers powerful family. [92] Mary's insistence on the marriage seems to have stemmed from passion rather than calculation; the English ambassador Nicholas Throckmorton stated "the saying is that surely she [Queen Mary] is bewitched",[93] adding that the marriage could only be averted "by violence". The French fleet sent by Henry II, commanded by Nicolas de Villegagnon, sailed with Mary from Dumbarton on 7 August 1548 and arrived a week or more later at Roscoff or Saint-Pol-de-Lon in Brittany.[33]. She announced that she was ready to stay in England, to renounce the Pope's bull of excommunication, and to retire, abandoning her pretensions to the English Crown. [58] On 11 June 1560, their sister, Mary's mother, died, and so the question of future Franco-Scots relations was a pressing one. John Knox, a Protestant reformer who objected to both queens rule, may have declared it more than a monster in nature that a Woman shall reign and have empire above Man, but the continued resonance of Mary and Elizabeths stories suggests otherwise. Yet, in the eyes of many Catholics, Elizabeth was illegitimate and Mary Stuart was the rightful queen of England, as the senior surviving legitimate descendant of Henry VII through her grandmother, Margaret Tudor. [68], To the surprise and dismay of the Catholic party, Mary tolerated the newly established Protestant ascendancy,[69] and kept her half-brother Moray as her chief advisor. It was nothing personal: in Elizabeths mind her hard-won crownand therefore the security and prosperity of England itselfwas in jeopardy if Mary stayed alive. Half-Brother(illegitimate son ofKing James V), Robert Stewart1st Earl of Orkney(15331593) France recognised Elizabeth's right to rule England, but the seventeen-year-old Mary, still in France and grieving for her mother, refused to ratify the treaty. I remember the first time I really understood what love was or at least what a nine-year-old could understand as romantic love. It was in his wife's ancestry, that he discovered a number of connections to the personalities surrounding Mary Queen of Scots and her son, James VI , in particular the Earls of Mar . Given her precarious hold on the throne and the subsequent paranoia that plagued her reign, she had little motivation to name a successor who could threaten her own safety. [57] Instead, the Guise brothers sent ambassadors to negotiate a settlement. As biographer Antonia Fraser explains, Marys story is one of murder, sex, pathos, religion and unsuitable lovers. Add in the Scottish queens rivalry with Elizabeth, as well as her untimely end, and she transforms into the archetypal tragic heroine. Marriage lasted 10 years, 10 months, 30 days. Sitter associated with 151 portraits. Whereas Mary aged in the relative isolation of house arrest, Elizabeths looks were under constant scrutiny. Grandmother, James StewartEarl of Moray [188] She was occasionally allowed outside under strict supervision,[189] spent seven summers at the spa town of Buxton, and spent much of her time doing embroidery. Amirah Vann Brings Heart & Depth to Black Womens Stories i thus not a legitimate heir to the throne. Son, Anne of Denmark(1574-1619) [133], Originally, Mary believed that many nobles supported her marriage, but relations quickly soured between the newly elevated Bothwell (created Duke of Orkney) and his former peers and the marriage proved to be deeply unpopular. [199] After the Throckmorton Plot of 1583, Walsingham (now the queen's principal secretary) introduced the Bond of Association and the Act for the Queen's Safety, which sanctioned the killing of anyone who plotted against Elizabeth and aimed to prevent a putative successor from profiting from her murder. [132] Bothwell and his first wife, Jean Gordon, who was the sister of Lord Huntly, had divorced twelve days previously. [119], In late January 1567, Mary prompted her husband to return to Edinburgh. [205], On 11 August 1586, after being implicated in the Babington Plot, Mary was arrested while out riding and taken to Tixall Hall in Staffordshire. [123] There were no visible marks of strangulation or violence on the body. This fear-driven logic even extended to the queens potential offspring: As she once told Marys advisor William Maitland, Princes cannot like their own children. On her way back to Edinburgh on 24 April, Mary was abducted, willingly or not, by Lord Bothwell and his men and taken to Dunbar Castle, where he may have raped her. [186] Her bedlinen was changed daily,[187] and her own chefs prepared meals with a choice of 32 dishes served on silver plates. It condemned Buchanan's work as an invention,[242] and "emphasized Mary's evil fortunes rather than her evil character". Elizabeth was sent away in disgrace, and her relationship with Seymour continued to haunt her. When she was six days old her father died and she became queen.. Regent Arran resisted the move, but backed down when Beaton's armed supporters gathered at Linlithgow. [215] Nevertheless, Elizabeth hesitated to order her execution, even in the face of pressure from the English Parliament to carry out the sentence. [100], Before long, Darnley grew arrogant. Instead, Elizabeth placed Maryan anointed monarch over whom she had no real jurisdictionunder de facto house arrest, consigning her to 18 years of imprisonment under what can only be described as legally grey circumstances. She issued a proclamation accepting the religious settlement in Scotland as she had found it upon her return, retained advisers such as James Stewart, Earl of Moray (her illegitimate paternal half-brother), and William Maitland of Lethington, and governed as the Catholic monarch of a Protestant kingdom. James Hepburn, 4th Earl of Bothwell, was generally believed to have orchestrated Darnley's death, but he was acquitted of the charge in April 1567, and the following month, he married Mary. As can been seen from the chart, Mary Queen of Scots is the ances-tress of the current British royal family. Marys second marriage was to her first cousin, Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, a match that enraged Elizabeth I, who had not been asked permission for the marriage. Mary, Queen of Scots, also known as Mary Stuart or Mary I of Scotland, was Queen of Scotland from 14 December 1542 until her forced abdication in 1567. Her recovery from 25 October onwards was credited to the skill of her French physicians. Mary Stuart . Potential diagnoses include physical exhaustion and mental stress,[112] haemorrhage of a gastric ulcer,[113] and porphyria. [110], Immediately after her return to Jedburgh, she suffered a serious illness that included frequent vomiting, loss of sight, loss of speech, convulsions and periods of unconsciousness. In Catholic eyes, after Mary Tudors death, there were no more rightful heirs that descended from King Henry VIII. In one castle was Elizabeth, the childless virgin queen: bawdy, brilliant, tactical and cynical. The denouement of Mary and Elizabeths decades-long power struggle is easily recalled by even the most casual of observers: On February 8, 1587, the deposed Scottish queen knelt at an execution block, uttered a string of final prayers, and stretched out her arms to assent to the fall of the headsmans axe. [238] Her body was exhumed in 1612 when her son, King James VI and I, ordered that she be reinterred in Westminster Abbey in a chapel opposite the tomb of Elizabeth. [161] The surviving copies, in French or translated into English, do not form a complete set. [109] The ride was later used as evidence by Mary's enemies that the two were lovers, though no suspicions were voiced at the time and Mary had been accompanied by her councillors and guards. George Lasry, Norbert Biermann, Satoshi Tomokiyo, Two of the commissioners were Catholics (, Walter Stewart, 6th High Steward of Scotland, abdicate in favour of her one-year-old son James, Cultural depictions of Mary, Queen of Scots, "National Records of Scotland; Hall of Fame A-Z - Mary Queen of Scots", "Elizabeth and Mary, Royal Cousins, Rival Queens: Curators' Picks". [103] On 9 March, a group of the conspirators accompanied by Darnley murdered Rizzio in front of the pregnant Mary at a dinner party in Holyrood Palace. [47][48], In November 1558, Henry VIII's elder daughter, Mary I of England, was succeeded by her only surviving sibling, Elizabeth I. [14] Arran, with the support of his friends and relations, became the regent until 1554 when Mary's mother managed to remove and succeed him. During her childhood, Scotland was governed by regents, first by the heir to the throne, James Hamilton, Earl of Arran, and then by her mother, Mary of Guise. Mary was horrified and banished him from Scotland. [228], Mary was not beheaded with a single strike. In 1534 the Act of Succession made her heir to the throne over her half-sister Mary. He moves his mother's body to Westminster Abbey and has a grand monument built. [237] Her entrails, removed as part of the embalming process, were buried secretly within Fotheringhay Castle. [74] However, she assured Maitland that she knew no one with a better claim than Mary. [94] The union infuriated Elizabeth, who felt the marriage should not have gone ahead without her permission, as Darnley was both her cousin and an English subject. There was never any intention to proceed judicially; the conference was intended as a political exercise. . In October, she was put on trial for treason under the Act for the Queen's Safety before a court of 36 noblemen,[209] including Cecil, Shrewsbury, and Walsingham. [97] In what became known as the Chaseabout Raid, Mary with her forces and Moray with the rebellious lords roamed around Scotland without ever engaging in direct combat. Darnley shared a more recent Stewart lineage with the Hamilton family as a descendant of Mary Stewart, Countess of Arran, a daughter of James II of Scotland. [206] In a successful attempt to entrap her, Walsingham had deliberately arranged for Mary's letters to be smuggled out of Chartley. Cookie Policy She refused to attend the inquiry at York personally but sent representatives. The Tudor queen pressured Mary to ratify the 1560 Treaty of Edinburgh, which wouldve prevented her from making any claim to the English throne, but she refused, instead appealing to Elizabeth as queens in one isle, of one language, the nearest kinswomen that each other had., To Elizabeth, such familial ties were of little value. Josie Rourkes film sees Saoirse Ronan and Margot Robbie transform from allies into rivals, but in actuality, the queens relationship was far more complex. Its unsurprising that the tale of these two queens resonates with audiences some 400 years after the main players lived. In the end, Moray returned to Scotland as regent and Mary remained in custody in England. . [115] Divorce was discussed, but a bond was probably sworn between the lords present to remove Darnley by other means:[116] "It was thought expedient and most profitable for the common wealth that such a young fool and proud tyrant should not reign or bear rule over them; that he should be put off by one way or another; and whosoever should take the deed in hand or do it, they should defend. Historian Jenny Wormald believes this reluctance on the part of the Scots to produce the letters and their destruction in 1584, whatever their content, constitute proof that they contained real evidence against Mary. , a Protestant reformer who objected to both queens rule, may have declared it more than a monster in nature that a Woman shall reign and have empire above Man, but the continued resonance of Mary and Elizabeths stories suggests otherwise. Worse was to come. var year = currentTime.getFullYear() Queen Elizabeth celebrated 70 years on the throne before her death on Sept. 8, 2022. Following his early death, she returned to Scotland, ruling for seven years. [55], In Scotland, the power of the Protestant Lords of the Congregation was rising at the expense of Mary's mother, who maintained effective control only through the use of French troops. [76], Mary then turned her attention to finding a new husband from the royalty of Europe. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Her mother was Henry's second wife, Anne Boleyn.At birth, Elizabeth was the heir presumptive to the English throne. Mary married her half-cousin, Henry Stuart, Lord Darnley, in 1565, and in June 1566, they had a son, James. Daughter-in-law, Elizabeth StuartQueen of Bohemia(15961662) 3. On February 8, 1587, Mary Queen of Scots was beheaded for treason. As a Protestant, she faced threats from Englands Catholic faction, which favored a rival claim to the thronethat of Mary, the Catholic Queen of Scotsover hers. [210][211] Spirited in her defence, Mary denied the charges. Click on the names below to see their relationship charts. Her claims to the throne of England were almost as strong as her claims to the Scottish throne. She was also known as Mairi Stibhairt, Mary, Queen Consort of France. [135], Twenty-six Scottish peers, known as the confederate lords, turned against Mary and Bothwell and raised their own army. After an unsuccessful attempt to regain the throne, she fled southward seeking the protection of her first cousin once removed, Elizabeth I of England. Elizabeth was occasionally brought to the English court where she impressed her distant father with her intellectual prowess. FRANCIS II - Mary, Queen of Scots' first husband. [66] The Protestant reformer John Knox preached against Mary, condemning her for hearing Mass, dancing, and dressing too elaborately. Queen Elizabeth I was born on 7th September 1533 at Greenwich Palace. [11] Rumours spread that she was weak and frail,[12] but an English diplomat, Ralph Sadler, saw the infant at Linlithgow Palace in March 1543, unwrapped by her nurse Jean Sinclair, and wrote, "it is as goodly a child as I have seen of her age, and as like to live. Download your copy of the Tudor family tree. [77] Her own attempt to negotiate a marriage to Don Carlos, the mentally unstable heir apparent of King Philip II of Spain, was rebuffed by Philip. [42] At some point in her infancy or childhood, she caught smallpox, but it did not mark her features. [35] When Lady Fleming left France in 1551, she was succeeded by a French governess, Franoise de Paroy. Historical Picture Archive/Corbis/Getty Images, On the day of Thomas Seymours execution, she supposedly stated: This day died a man with much wit and very little judgement.. This awareness of her pre-eminence was her companion through life, something taken for granted, the responsibilities to which she did not apply much profound thought nor, in the end, much value.. [ 104 ] Over the next 13 years, the spouses are also.. Refused, as well as her claims to the throne in 1542 a legitimate heir to the royal... Mary ( 16051607 ) 1 year for just $ 29.99 $ 8 + free! 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British royal family and her relationship with Seymour continued to haunt her dancing, and her powerful., ruling for seven years her attention to finding a new husband from the chart Mary... Robert Ascham would write French or translated into English, do not form complete. February 8, 2022 and pets relationship charts Mary, Queen Consort of France a.. We strive for accuracy and fairness, pathos, religion and unsuitable lovers months later, she Maitland! Are at the top of the current British royal family and her relationship with Seymour to! Ii of France diagnoses include physical exhaustion and mental stress, [ 112 ] haemorrhage of gastric... From Loch Leven Castle, arrived on 20 July she succeeded to the skill of French!

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