meddeas program timeline

I was wondering if you knew in other situations where applicants havent specified an exact city they want to live in, if they find out right away where they will be placed? They said I will be shortlisted for spots that will open up as an independent accommodation., Teaching in Spain Gave Me a Fresh View on Life, What to Do with Your Free Time in the Canary Islands, How Independent and Curious Spirits Find a Suitable Work Experience Abroad, 10 Perks of Teaching Early Childhood in Spain, Do You Hold a Teaching Degree? Working with BEDA: What You Get BEDA Monthly Stipend BEDA Assistants are assigned 18 - 24 hours per week and earn a monthly stipend which breaks down to about 12.15/hour gross pay. . Thanks :). They spent 6 days, 3 hours, and 42 seconds in space. I wanted to see if you still have availability for the January 2023 term. Hi Jenny! Im elegible for the program? So, I had the interview on Monday and now it is Wednesday. I know I applied late and chances are slim, but just wanted to have an idea of likelihood and the notification process (at all stages) so Im not twiddling my thumbs for nothing. I finished my interview mid-Feb and they offered me a host-spot. Do you get a confirmation email when you send in your cv? I hadnt exactly given them much to work with. I also had a letter from my school in Bilbao saying I completed the year successfully. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. So Im wondering how that was for you your first time in the program? And if youre placed elsewhere in Spain (besides Madrid), 850 is DEFINITELy enough. Luckily for me, Pamplona was just a 2-hour bus-ride from Bilbao. Your stipend will depend on the type of program, your teaching hours per week, and your lodging option. Undecided about Meddeas. I wasnt clear if you were an american or some european lol. I am very interested in this program, but I have 2 questions. Meddeas is really reliable, so I wouldnt worry about not getting it back or anything its just annoying to have to put up that much up front :(, Jenny! Can I apply soon or do I have to wait? Hello! This chart can explain things much more comprehensively:, Contact Meddeas saying you are interested in the auxiliar position. Have no prior criminal convictions. Good news is, its only February, so youve still go lots of time. At which point in the waiting process after the first interview, should you assume you are no longer being considered ? It has been a week. 16 years 4 months 26 days 16 hours 3 minutes. Congratulations that your skype interview went so well! ;-) Do you know what other regions Meddeas works with? 1 Reply In the interview, he asked if I had a preference of location. Step 1: Create a Profex account (best if done before the application start date) Step 2: Create your CV (can be done prior to application officially opening) Basic personal information Education Teaching experience (optional) Non-teaching experience (optional) Languages Other merits (optional) I hardly spend any money at all on transportation because I can walk to work and use the bike share program. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. A project timeline typically takes the form of a horizontal bar chart, where each task is given a name and a corresponding start and end date. Check out the main auxiliars facebook group for more threads on the student loans topic though, there are people who can help you more than I can on that:, Hi, I had my skype interview yesterday and have my in-person interview this Saturday. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. On January 19th, I was notified via e-mail that I've made it to the final stage for candidates in the Meddeas program: Dear Laura, My name is Leyre and I am one of Meddeas' International Relations Advisers. It is important to remember that this is an internship program, not a job, so they sing an agreeement, not a contract. Hello! Many hours. Hi, this seems great though unfortunately, I fear I may be too late to find this. Is it possible that I still may hear back from Meddeas later than one week? Just wanted to let you know I was offered a position by Meddeas last week and accepted it! I am wondering if I can start my this application before I renew my passport? Again, its indispensable to read the FAQs before answering these sections. Deepest apologies, I didnt mean to shout. I applied for the Advanced program. And yes! Meddeas is a Spanish organization that supports multilingual teaching. First, do I have to send my resume or the aplication form you guys send? Hope that helps! Search link works fine for me, it pulls up all the forum posts that mention Meddeas. Good luck! And is there any way to confirm the status of my application? Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900's and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. Sorry for all the questions! The proposed time they gave me overlapped with one of my classes and so we rescheduled for January 30th at 16:30 Spanish time (10:30am EST). My placement has an after school sports club and some of the sports practices apparently run all the way until 11pm at nightIm terrified theyll ask me to help out which would really take away any chance of personal freedom during the week. This step is an important one, as this is the time when you will tell Meddeas about yourself, your experiences, and your preferences for the program. It was five days a week, three hours in the mornings and one in the afternoon (total hassle). Hello! ), and all others who are interested. My question for you was whether or not you had any say in terms of your work schedule or if your school handed you one and that was that. Timeline Hacking Prevention Awareness Training For IT Security Brochure PDF. But Meddeas is pretty accommodating, so if they liked you and want to hire you they will almost certainly find you a spot in a big city! Wowamazing breakdown and even more amazing story of how you managed to score a teaching position in the city center of BCN! Take it from someone who knew very little Spanish when starting this internship! Meddeas - Language Assistants in Spain | Pamplona But do you think that I got just an automated response and theyve already filled the spots? This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Hey Jenny, I applied for both Meddeas and BEDA and have had Skype interviews for both. The weirdest question I remember was, Tell us a bit about your elementary school experience. I was all, If I remember correctly, at age 5 I made some friends and at age 8 I learned some cursive. Thanks for your informative post. I understand that you were able to renew within Spain given your previous participation with the NACLA program. And I miss those 12-hour, 4-day work weeks!! And the in-person interview was relatively straightforward and similar to the Skype, but yes, they go a bit more in-depth and also ask you questions to see how you can react on the spot a bit. Hello Philippe! Actually I only have one private lesson this year (but 25/hour, wooo!!) It is true that the rhythm decreases during the holiday but I recommend you to apply as soon as possible. It's very similar to the government program, with the added benefit of having a support network (which you pay for, partly, with the deposit). For example; Tell me about a time you were stressed and how you dealt with it or Tell me a time when you worked well in a group. 34 948 983 539Calle V, n3, 2D,P.C. It does not store any personal data. Fingers Crossed! What, if any, advice could you offer me when i get them face to face? Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. I told him the truth: For my third year in Spainnow that I had already experienced much of Spanish (and Basque) culture and knew the languageI craved an international city. And of course, like all things in life, you mess up when youre nervous, and hit home runs when you care the least. I turned mine down last year in May, for example, and so did several of my friends. How I Changed Teaching Programs and Renewed my Spanish Residency Without Returning to the U.S. Choose from placements in more than 300 schools all over Spain. Now its time to get yourself prepared for the first interview. January 30, 2017 I sent in my Meddeas application January 17th, 2017. Once youve completed the last interview, it is a waiting game. It definitely helped me understand who Meddeas was a bit more thoroughly prior to my Skype interview. I didnt love my time in Bilbao, but the thought of starting over from scratch yet again seemed daunting, and I was sure Bilbao would grow on me. Or both? Or is there a suggested date that the applications should be done by? Im still confused, and dont know if I got lucky or if that was actually an acceptable way to do things. Hello Ciara. Thank you. Basically I think youd have enough to live and be relatively social, but it would be hard to save or travel much just on the Meddeas salary alone. Following is the timeline with Meddeas: -The application period is about a month long and I submitted mine in early January. You live in Spain. You go to some goverment office in Barcelona showing youre empadronado, (registered as a resident here) and turn in your NIE and your Social number, and they provide you with a card for the health care. If you will ONLY accept a placement in a certain place, say that too. Being confident in your answers may assist immensely. I think they gave it to me a few weeks before starting? I was told that I would receive my placement if I accepted a position living with a host. Thanks for the informative post. Meddeas is a Spanish organization present in six countries that supports multilingual teaching in educational centres. Could you please send us an email with your resume to so we can determine your eligibility? ABOUT meddeas We are a Spanish company with extensive experience in international mobility programs that aims to be a reference for our work methods and values. I am interested in this program. Yes they do! I was able to save a bit as an auxiliar last year (though definitely not this year in Barcelona), but Id say in general between travel and enjoying living it up in Spain, its rather hard to save large chunks of money to pay off loans. Id honestly say youre chances are better for the Ministry, even with a high inscrita numberlots of people end up turning those positions down over the summer and getting placed late. Finally, the application form also asks for additional information to get a better understanding of your circumstances and interests. Thanks! Also, are there any spots left for this summer? This cookie is set by Youtube. This post is here to relieve the angst by providinguseful tips and adviceto get you through the Meddeas application process. On the other hand, if you want to apply for September 2023 you will need to wait until January 2023, that is the time we start receiving applications for the next academic year. If not, I was happy with Bilbao and would just stay put with the government program. How did you switch over to the Spanish healthcare system Im surprised it was easy! Yes, certainly more organized than the Ministry, haha. Id like to ask, when will the deposit be made? This interview is a similar process to the first interview. Hola! CEO Approval. Hello there! On April 9 I received an email saying they ideally wanted to hire me, but at the moment didnt have a position that fit all my needs. 1000 a month actually takes you pretty far there and usually you can supplement your income with private lessons. The program will provide you with enough money to cover your living expenses, and as it is less demanding than a full time English teacher job, you will have enough time to develop other activities at the same time (sports, tourism, learn Spanish, other courses). But Ive found Meddeas to be very helpful and accommodating, and they really do try to take into account your preferences. Dear Kelly, we are afraid that the 4-year legal restriction applies to the Masters degrees aswell. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. Hi Jenny I have a question for you. Is it fairly similar questions to the skype interview? If I remember correctly the interviews were pretty similar re: the questions they asked. Second piece of advice: Be honest. Im not sure if this means theres a chance I wont get placed anywhere or if it just means theyre still just trying to meet most of my preferences (Catholic as long as I dont have to teach religion, 12-16 age group, population > 100,000, independent living). I told him I was also a writer, and a cosmopolitan environment with more opportunitiesbesides teaching, I even admittedreally appealed to me. I tried to convince myself I was totally happy there. But for me, I was willing to take a pay cut to be in a city I really wanted. Click here and enter your name and email where prompted. They ask questions for 30 minutes straight in order to determine if you are a suitable candidate for the program. . Yes, according to your message, you are eligible for the COOP program. Lucky for me, I live in Boston and the representative is also located here so not a big hassle. If you sufficiently wooed them over Skype, the next step is a mandatory in-person interview. Hi! I didnt hear until late April. If you accept, then you have to pay the deposit at that moment. Verona, Wisconsin, United States. :E. Ya, the pay is the biggest downside. Besides, take into consideration thetime differencewith your allocated time slot. You will need a valid passport to apply for your visa if you are a succesful candidate, but you can apply now without it. I recommend you to apply as soon as possible as there are limited vacancies. Here was my application timeline: Sent in application: December 4th, 2016 E-mail scheduling 1st interview: December 9th, 2016 If you could shed some light on your situation maybe it could better help me. Hey Edgar, It is important in this application toconsider your interestswhen it comes to your living and teaching circumstances. Meddeas 6.1K views5 years ago Discovering Spain Meddeas Play all With the same holidays as the school and 20 to 24 hours a week teaching, language assistants have the time to travel, explore. Do I have to come back to the states or can everything be done abroad? Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. I have student loans to pay so Im really looking for a job where I can pay those off and save money.Anyone else in my situation. My university is able to give me credits as a year abroad in Spain is a mandatory part of my course. These cookies are set via embedded youtube-videos. Should I also assume that with the higher number of hours, Meddeas has us working 5 days a week versus the ministry 4? Hi Charissa, Im so glad the blog has been helpful!! Hey Jenny, how long did you say it took for them to set up your second interview after your skype interview? After looking at your FAQs, I am curious as to how the visa process works as it says you can only work a maximum of 20 hours and the meddeas programme you could work up to 25 hours. Your email address will not be published. Dear Trenade! No complaints. How that makes me a desirable candidate in todays market, I have yet to understand. If you successfully managed to get to the next stage of the Meddeas application process, thenWELL DONE! Dear Rebeca! The interviewlasted double the time because the directer of the program and I hit it off, chatting and joking aimlessly for an hour and a half. Bear in mind that this does not mean that all of your interests will be accomplished, as each school looks for a particular profile. Hi Jenny! Thanks. Advanced program adapted to participants with . And I received an email within a day of submitting my cv and TEFL certification that said my info had been forwarded to HR and Id be notified if they had a suitable position. I have a ministry position so Im not 1000% banking on this although I think it would be fantastic to be in a more stable system. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. cover all your expenses. . I am headed to my second in-person interview! I do not have a college degree but I studied at the University of Arizona from 2007-2010. Now, we are interviewing candidates one week after their application. Then I didnt hear from them for about a month and had given up hope, but then they emailed me back with a placement in Barcelona. Hello! Theyd mention a Skype interview once they review your app and want to move forward. Hmmm, this is such a grey area and Im afraid I dont really have an answer. :) Ive also specified Barcelona in my face-to-face interview, which went really well although I havent heard back yet as its only been 2 days. Its a similardeal to the Spanish Ministry of Educations NALCA programIm an auxiliar de conversacin, or English language assistant. I cant wait to hear more about the program. Managers and coordinators who wish to simplify the planning process can use the free program plan template, which is a downloadable native PowerPoint slide designed to be easy to understand and update. I was wondering if I would be eligible to apply? Hey ElizabethIm afraid I dont have solid answers for either question. Nice article. I would love to begin this application process but I am unsure of my plans for next year, and dont want to realize after going through the interview process that I am unable to participate in the program. Hi Jenny. Hey Jamie, glad youve found it so helpful. Its a loophole that you can choose whether or not to take advantage of :). Hello Alexis! Hello! Good luck to you! With the Franklin Institute you will be teaching in schools and earning a Master's at Universidad de Alcal in Madrid with their Teach & Learn hybrid . Currently I am on my parents health care plan can I get a letter from their insurance company and then apply/sign up for the Spanish health care system once Im there? The skype interview was pretty straightforward, just asking you about yourself, any experience teaching, which program youd prefer, any specific preferences you have, and maybe some situational questions (if you were in the classroom and this happened). Then, it is the moment to read the Program Brochure and the FAQs of the program you are applying for. We encourage you to send your updated CV/resume to as we have very few placements left for the 2022-2023 academic year! And who knows, if you get tired of NYC, you can always head on over to Spain! Possess a Bachelor's degree. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Thank you for your question Koren! If they do, I bet you could speak to Meddeas and have that changed. I do certainly think it means theres a chance they wont find a placement for you (if Im being honest), but also I think Meddeas tries really hard to make adequate placements meeting all your needs, and will do their best to find something. As part of the deal with Meddeas, you are required to participate in an online TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) course. I live in the center and pay 350 E with bills included (but thats a pretty good deal, Id say). Hi Jenny! But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. I think I did that because it would be easier to get help more quickly over here, but also it might have something to do with the visa. After an applicant receives a placement? Meddeas. Thank you! I even visited Barcelona that April and was less than impressed, mostly because the insane amount of tourists. I NEEDED TO MOVE TO BARCELONA. Thank you for your message. How did your in person interview go? Good luck! If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment and Ill make sure to reply! The Hidden Perks of Caring For Monsters (er, Toddlers). (For example, fellow auxiliar Trevor Huxham lived in the undesirable province of Jaen and loved it.) Hi Carlos, are you switching to the Meddeas program from another program? Theyre also interested to hear your preferences: location, type of school, homestay or not, that sort of thing. You will need to send an email to The skype interview doesnt go too in-depth from what I remember. If you have any questions, let me know! I recently got an email from meddeas saying that they werent sure if they could find a school that meets my preferences but that theyd contact me with placement details as soon as we have a school that offers a position that meets as many of your preferences as possible.. If you are interested, send your resume to, Hi, Im from Chile graduated in 2016. I am so sorry I thought the form was automatically typing in all capitals, I didnt realise my caps-lock was on. Be prepared to put your speaking skills to the test. (For the purpose of this post, Im only focusing on Barcelona. But just for peace of mind, yes, they did require it last year. Social Security is taken out monthly, which gives BEDA Assistants access to the Spanish public healthcare system. I really like the look of the job and love the idea of moving to Barcelona/ or wherever in Spain, i just dont want to be so strapped for cash that it takes all the enjoyment out of living there, if you get what i mean. It usually takes around a week to be contacted after the first skype interview in case you have been accepted. ReportFlag as Inappropriate. Do you want to gain international experience? The Skype interviewer was really pushing for me to stay with a host family which I might do. Thanks Catya, their website doesnt really tell much at all! 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