once upon a time fanfiction regina cheats on emma

While he believes Regina is upset at his prior love declaration, she admits what's bothering her; that there is no known spell to cure Marian. ("The Stranger"), That night, Regina has a horrible nightmare of her worst fears coming true. Eye color: Knowing it will cause her own demise, she asks Emma to tell Henry of her heroic deed. Emma snaps out of it in order to use the baton, which leads to Hyde's capture. The foundation gives way, and she begins falling to her death but is rescued by a fairy's magic and lifted to safety. She theorizes Emma's dream relates to her fears, and after some prodding from Hook, Emma admits she regrets bringing everyone to the Underworld and is afraid she'll inevitably cause someone's death. They cry out in horror as he plunges the heart into Pan's chest, causing all of them to be thrown back from the impact, and Henry collapses. Grumpily, he expresses disinterest in making deals at the moment, so she tells him about Belle's supposed death. Regina, of course, accepts the offer and later smugly tells Mr. Gold that she is victorious at last and that he will not be going anywhere. Cora insists Regina should do what's best for herself instead of helping her friends, which will be her downfall. rumbelle; texting; swanqueen +7 more # 18. David and Hook arrive back, but without the sextant, as Pan got to it first. Regina wishes for the curse to be broken by the only true love in her lifeHenrysince she wants to live for him. After some prodding, Kathryn admits to being afraid that despite her best efforts, David is drifting farther away from her instead of growing closer. Problem is, she has no clue how to run a ranch. Despite being angered at the ex-fairy's analysis of her, Regina declares she is sparing Tinker Bell's life as proof she is merciful, but she warns Tinker Bell to not to cross her again or she will end her for good. With the genie lamp, whose genie is now Aladdin, the Queen grants Emma's wish of having never been the Savior. this must be the place. Regina then forces the fury to take her life instead, but Mary Margaret refuses to abandon her, linking hands with her. "Gina it was just a dream, I didn't actually cheat on you!" Emma moaned loudly, before attacking Regina's neck with little kisses, making the . To ensure Hook is ready for the job and has no weaknesses, Regina tracks down his father Brennan, who abandoned Hook when he was a boy. Henry gives her hope that Robin wasn't obliterated as Hades stated he was since villains will say anything to hurt people. In the aftermath, Henry admits to his mom that he got lost along the way and stopped believing in himself, but as she taught him, setbacks are a part of life. After finding the baby, Zelena offers to feed her with a formula bottle. Shortly after, King Arthur and his knights approach, stating the newcomers have been prophesied to reunite them with Merlin. Regina emphasizes all the family and loved ones Emma has, while she herself has only ever had Henry. So if this is how I have to go out, showing you that there are people in the world that love you, no matter what you do. Regina vows to Zelena that they will always be sisters no matter what and that she will find her again, but Cora ensures this never happens, by having both girls take a potion to forget each other. Regina presses him on the issue, causing him to end his sentence with "please", which not only forces her to obey him, but also confirms her suspicions about his memories. Later, Roni confronts Samdi at his door as both acknowledge the other is awake. An educated, slightly lazy, and helplessly clumsy Emma Swan; eater of all foods that are not green meets Regina Mills, the busiest business woman in the world aka the Evil Queen aka Health nut aka Woman most likely never to successfully keep a secretary. Hook, uninterested in torture, leaves Greg and Tamara to their devices. When taunted by the Queen, Emma lunges at her with the sword, surprisingly injuring her without Regina being affected too. During the battle, Regina's leg is cut with a rusty sword, and as an infection sets in, she passes out after seeing her savior is Snow White. After Kelly is pushed out of Hyperion Heights by Victoria Belfrey and moves to San Francisco, Roni renames the pub to "Roni's", puts the old pub sign in storage, and refurnishes some of the bar's aesthetics. Bartender at Roni's (formerly)Mayor of Storybrooke (formerly) The siblings are anxious to be with their father, though Regina ponders if they truly want to be with someone who abandoned them. When they are alone, she explains her theft of his cup and wishes to know the name he had in another place. The two then share a goodbye hug, which Margot walks in on. Once Upon A Time Fanfiction Emma And Hook Pregnant. ("Hyperion Heights"), Some years after Henry is still away on his adventure, Regina along with Hook and Emma suddenly receive a summons for help from him. She doesn't answer when Mary Margaret asks why Regina hates her so much. Emma is having difficulty coming to terms with the fact the Evil Queen, who abducted her, is her True Love. Afterwards, Regina heads to the mayor's office with Robin to confront Zelena. :} You can skip the torture scenes without missing any of the plot, but there are other (MANY other) dark themes in this story, as well. Henry talks to his mother about whether she has heard from Mr. Samdi and the possibility he may be planning something. The catch is the map won't work until Emma stops "denying who she really is". Regina can only watch from outside the room in a numb state as a grief-stricken Emma goes in to give Henry a goodbye kiss on his brow. Instead, they are stopped by a barrier, enacted to keep out anyone with a shadow, blocking their path up the stairs. This is my first WickedSwan story! Keen on the idea, King George releases the prince to her. Killian jones and emma swan were separated due to her absence in there life as they remembered her when they sow each other and they were tired of people telling them that she wa Killian and Emma have been married for 4 years now. Mary Margaret and David, both of whom regained their memories with the help of a pixie flower, form a plan to distract Regina so they can find and reunite with their daughter Emma. When Victoria shows up to intimidate them with a gun, she agrees she was willing to sacrifice Lucy because of her own desperation to save her own child, but to prove she is no monster, she needs the amulet so Gothel can restore Lucy. Her father consoles her with the possibility that she can leave revenge and hatred behind and the two of them can start over as a family. Suspecting Belle was trusted with the dagger's location, Regina goes to question her at the hospital, though the girl proves to be completely amnesiac. ("Lost Girl"), The plan to reach Pan is a failure once when they notice his camp location keeps changing; making their journey fruitless. If you're looking for popular once upon a time fanfics, then check out this web story & related blog post for fanart & more information about some of the most popular emma and hook. Emma defends her decision, arguing that she did it with good reason, to which Regina compares her to Cora, who said the same thing to her long ago. When confronted with her daughter's plans, Cora insists nothing good will come out of hurting herself, but Regina drinks the potion, believing hurting her mother is good enough. Oh, and dont worry too much aboutyour circumstances. Seeing as Arthur helped remove Zelena's cuff, Regina prepares for battle by conjuring a flaming fireball to throw at her sister, but she promptly dissolves it, after Robin protests that the baby might be hurt by magic. Weaver wants the potion for his own devices, but Roni refuses to give it to him. In turn, this caused Cora to unwillingly abandon Zelena after birth. She also stresses that magic is not the answer to everything, and tucks him into bed. As the final nail in the coffin, Regina phones Emma, pretending to reform her ways, and sets up a meeting with her where they discuss Henry's well-being. All rights go to ABC and The creators of Once Upon A Time. While Regina entices him with a bar of chocolate, Emma asks for a message to be delivered to Henry, reminding Devin that he once had a home and family but stopped believing return was possible. Since Emma defies her, Regina plants Mary Margaret's jewelry box, containing a heart with Kathryn's DNA on it, near the Toll Bridge. Regina learns some of Camelot's residents have been brought to Storybrooke by Emma's curse, and she briefs Arthur about it. Later in the day, while she checks on the growing beans, Hook walks into her office to admit Greg and Tamara wanted him to gain a false alliance with her. Once the villains depart, David and Mary Margaret ask Regina to investigate the women, but she doesn't see them as threatening and has her own matters to attend to. After Cinderella leaves to chase the remaining bandit, Henry shows his old Tron lunchbox to his mom. I do not own any of the characters. She annoys Emma by tearing down Henry's playground, to which they get into an argument about. However, Regina admits she didn't come to the farmhouse to apologize and had wanted to sneak in to look for magic. She and Emma have a stake-out in a car, and upon seeing a shadow in the mayoral office, they burst in, but the person disappears in green smoke. Both sustain blows, but neither give up. "True! Later, Roni helps to quiet down the noisy residents who are gathered at the garden, where Jacinda makes up for her mistake by persuading them to sign the petition again and join her in planting more flowers to show Victoria that they won't stand for the demolition. After banishing Cora to Wonderland, Regina discovers that she is pregnant with Daniel's child. When Regina gets a new job that requires all of her attention, her marriage starts to take the hits. Female Despite David's reservations, he allows Regina alone time to speak with Daniel. ("Family Business"), In her vault, Regina flips through the storybook pages showing various happy endings when Robin rushes in. Regina prepares to retaliate with a fireball, but the Queen snuffs it out, advising that the only way to hurt her is to harm herself. She suspects Zelena broke the blood magic seal on the vault, but Zelena denies any wrongdoing. This angers Regina enough that she moves to rip out Devin's heart, but is blocked by Mary Margaret. In truth, they deliberately provoke Regina to incite her hatred, which they need to counter Ingrid's love so the ribbons on their wrists can be destroyed. In preparation for the upcoming storm in town, Regina accompanies Kathryn at the drugstore as she shops for items. Therefore, the map can only be read by Neal himself. She then returns to her castle balcony, where she laments about how Snow caused her to lose her one true love and her desire to may her pay for it. She had no memories of her biological family. Later, Robin is kidnapped by a fury, which is the "problem" Emma spoke of. Snow and David come by to offer support, but Zelena assures them that she can look after her sister, as they both lost the men they loved. That night, Regina learns from Mary Margaret that Maleficent has been revived by Cruella and Ursula, and she caused the witch to lose her child, which is a secret Emma must never know. Regina returns to Archie's office to acknowledge she just used magic. She breaks into the apartment, approaching a depressed Mary Margaret to rip out her heart, though Mr. Gold blocks her from getting any closer. Above ground, Regina has had enough of Zelena's arrogance and tells her to go back to Oz where she can be as powerful as she wishes to be. Regina sits in the front passenger seat as Zelena attempts to drive and ends up slamming the brakes too late before the car hits some garbage cans. Upset about what Cruella and Ursula said, she wonders if a happy ending is possible after her past actions. As they are tied and forced to walk, Regina burns her binds and hurls a fireball at their captors before her magic dries out, allowing Maleficent time to transform into a dragon and scares the men away. The trio searches for the book on the shelves, but it is missing and in the empty slot is a map leading to the dagger. ("Siege Perilous"), As Emma enters a catatonic state from the strain of being the Dark One, Regina, Hook and Emma's immediate family are left unsure how to help her. On her way out of town, Emma crashes her car, spending the night in a holding cell, where Regina sees her while looking for a missing Henry. Archie pulls Regina aside to renounce what she asked him to do earlier, and threatens that even if he is fired, she will be facing Emma in a losing custody battle. While traveling with the wolves to seize the mines, the Queen carries a box containing the Huntsman's heart. Roni spots the cake that Eloise gave Rogers and she dumps it into the trash, telling him that too much sugar will kill him. As Roni returns to the bar after finally getting the moss she needed for the potion to cure Henry, Kelly tells her about Henry's departure and her belief that Chad would've never chosen her if he knew her as Zelena. She attempts to make the forfeit their loyalty to Snow, insisting that the princess doesn't care or love them, but she does. In their absence, Henry frets over not completing Operation Firebird, and although people can move on once Hades has left, he wants to help those who don't know their unfinished business. In a short time, Mr. Gold informs her of a baby from Phoenix who was previously placed with a family in Boston, but the adoption did not go through. She insists to him that Archie's death was not her doing, and surprisingly, Henry believes her. Since the elevator to the dragon can only be operated manually, Regina has to stay and move the switch so Emma can go down to the lower level. They learn that Mr. Gold, while in New York, has been injured by Hook. Having spent years trying to kill or curse her, the Queen considers that having true power means sparing Snow White's life and gaining everything that was supposed to be hers. Furious at Snow White's plans to take back the kingdom, the Queen sets out to stop her. Disclaimer: I only own the story itself. Regina assists with locating the flowers, but ultimately, it is Snow's tracking skills that lead Snow and Emma to the site of the flowers, where they retrieve one. Regina declares that Zelena is not her, and thus, she cannot ever forgive her, even if she can go as far as to pity her, hate her, or spare her life. Regina and Killian are happy together but due to Regina's infertility they can't have a baby, so when they do get a chance of having one, they immidiately take it. After some thought, Ruby recalls Dorothy loved her deceased Auntie Em. At the bedchamber, Regina begins mixing ingredients for a Sleeping Curse and admits her desire to use the curse on herself. "Are you ready?" he asked her. Snow believes something else is bothering her, but Regina doesn't know what it is. They form a strategy to travel towards Pan's camp, though Regina is still unsure about their methods of doing things. Realizing her sister still blames her for Robin's death, Zelena asks why forgiveness and redemption aren't possible for her when Regina went down the same path of growing and changing into a different person. ("Heart of Darkness"), Learning that King George has captured Prince Charming, and intends to execute him, she intervenes in time and asks that the prisoner be turned over to her custody instead. Henry expresses frustration over her acting like his mother, although Roni reasons that, if his mother were present, she'd tell him to get back into writing, ask Jacinda on a date and tip her generously for giving him such sound advice. ("Souls of the Departed"), Continuing to look for Hook in the north woods, Regina decides to speed things along by sending Robin to the mayor's office, where there might be maps of Underbrooke. Suddenly, a panicked Robin rushes in asking for her help with Marian. *Based after ep. This is the second book that is based off of Emma's journey as the darkone and this book takes place after the darkness of the darkone is destroyed forever and the people in Storybrooke finally get to start living close to a normal life without worrying about new villains to destroy and the town being in danger. Robin regards their romance in the present as something that was destined to happen. ("An Apple Red as Blood"), Alas for Regina, the price of magic is one of tragedy as it is not Emma who bites into the apple turnover, but Henry. The townspeople elect Emma as the new sheriff, much to Regina's dismay, though she grudgingly accepts it. At the crashed dirigible, Regina helps collect scraps that Jekyll needs for making a new weapon to defeat Hyde. Hoping to force them out, Regina asks the car mechanic Billy to speed up the repairs. At the mansion, Emma makes Henry stand on guard duty as everyone else looks for the book. Lastly, Tinker Bell congratulates Regina for getting Henry back as the two clear up their past differences. Regina protects the expecting mother and demands answers from Cora, who responds by possessing Mary Margaret's body and allowing her a glimpse of the past. Regina gives him a farewell hug before watching him board a motorcycle and use a magic bean open a portal to another realm. Hyde asks for his freedom if Regina wants his help, but when she is unwilling to pay the price, he taunts her about being beaten by her other self. February 1[1] Regina denies her request, stating that Henry doesn't want to see her, before closing the door. William blames her for his death, although she continues to insist Snow White instigated her lover's demise. She forces Cora to choose between the dagger or her daughter. She then asks Emma to find Robin's contact details for her. That night, Henry relates his fears that Pan will somehow break out of the box and harm him again. Seriously, was there a better place to be? As it would take too long for her to learn a disguising spell, she asks Rumplestiltskin to change her into someone else instead. Later at the vault, Zelena returns the caged Queen to Regina and apologizes for going behind her back by helping Robin. Ivy asks if she forgives her, and Roni states that she understands Ivy and has belief in her ability to change for the better. Regina's heart was darkened by power and corruption, being one of few to keep their memories after unleashing the Dark Curse. Henry states he doesn't need to be saved before cutting hard into her palm and drawing blood. As luck would have it, Emma pays Regina a visit announcing her departure from Storybrooke and agrees to give up the custody battle over Henry if she gets visitation rights. She shows him page 23, which Isaac recognizes as a page from some experimental writing he did for another book that he never completed. Regina believes evil is not born but made, but David doesn't think Mary Margaret is capable of that. Harm him again allows Regina alone Time to speak with Daniel 's child 's... To safety and the creators of once Upon a Time they form a strategy to travel towards Pan camp... Abducted her, is her true love in her lifeHenrysince she wants to live for him for getting back... Sextant, as Pan got to it first blocking their path up repairs. Clue how to run a ranch supposed death in town, Regina discovers that is! Into bed stresses that magic is not born but made, but Zelena any... Her so much magic is not the answer to everything, and tucks him into bed asked.! 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