radiolab the bad show transcript

The fact that he kept on doing it over, and over, and over again was like, "Come on.". WNYC's Radiolab The Good Show Hosted by Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich Jan. 01, 2012 The standard view of evolution is that living things are shaped by cold-hearted competition. Radiolab is supported by Audible. It's absolutely essential that you continue. Why did you do this?" I would rather have scientists who carry doubt with them as they proceed. Who's going to do this powerful piece of science. When I stand before you, judges of Israel, in this court to accuse Adolf Eichmann. Okay, we're going off tape now. The subjects are 40 males between the ages of 20 and 50. They will spare his son if he fesses up and- and tells them what they need to know. I'm really proud of Job, he believes in me, and he trusts me in so much, and he has such great faith in me. You know what's going to happen if she pisses you off. Well, the thing that haunts me about the why question that I'm reminded of one of the oldest stories in the Bible, which is the story of Job. I'm not going to go ahead with it. And isn't this a good thing that we have people in our society who are willing to make sacrifices for a greater- the greater good? So you're saying they were shocking these people because they thought it was worthwhile? But he organizes soldiers, he organizes whole gas units. And one of the first acts that the Nazis do is to basically issue an order that says there shall be no Jews in the civil service. Even when their sorrows almost were forgot, and on their skins is on the bark of trees, have written my life with my knife carved in Roman letters. There are hints of reasons. You're not the first one. I actually did the first thing, but he saw my intentions and ran away." And then he just trails off. You know, "I- I- I Harley, you know, regret the fact that I killed a young maiden or defamed the king" or whatever it is. So he felt publicly humiliated. The Bad Show.ogg download. Uh, so what happened to David that night with his friend got him really curious about murder and badness and all these things we're thinking about. Yeah (laughs). This next part's a little graphic. This is sort of chilling comparison, which is a speed that Himmler gave to the SS, some SS leaders, when they were, uh, about to commit a range of atrocities. He goes straight to the German [inaudible 00:36:56] and- and he pitches this idea. He loves the fatherland, and he loves Germany. Sounds insane. RadioLab is supported, in part, by the National Science Foundation, and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. Um, I got a little, uh, I- my- this is my dorsal hair stood up when I read the end of this. And, you know, the class ended and I went back to my office. How could you? You know, just because of a mathematical summing up. Visit Maria Matasar-Padilla is our managing director. Could you just tell me the little story that you begin your book with? And a mysterious past. The leaves would just sort of shrivel, and the grass was turning to the color of metal. And he ran them through something like what you and I just did. So, I'm going to talk to you over this intercom, okay? So you see it's just in that one experiment that 65 percent of people are willing to go all the way. There's- there's a lot of-. By the ocean of breath twice, I remember I carried your oxygen. Today's date Is June 17, 2003. He had an experimenter who wasn't a scientist, but was a member of the general public. They've got a very plausible, very credible, high status scientist at high status scientific institution. Which is a fairly small-ish sort of town, and so does Clara. He stirs up hatred between friends, between lovers. With higher and higher voltage. But that's not what he found. I'll give you bad. So, who is- who is this guy right here? Hey this is Jad, RadioLab is supported by IBM. Even now. "I need to kill because of that." Also from Breslau. But this is why this is such an interesting guy, around the same time, officials in the U.S. government are calling him a war criminal. I thought about grabbing a knife quickly and stabbing him in the chest repeatedly until he was dead. I think they have to be extreme in the extreme. For much the same reasons. And then, in experiment number four, when the teacher has to hold the learner's hand down-. I knew she had a daughter and-. And we end with the story of a man who chased one of the most prolific serial killers in US history, then got a chance to ask him the question that had haunted him for years: why? Go. So, I broke up with him. This is Jeff Jensen and he's a reporter in LA. That's correct, because it takes such energy and pressure to separate it, its trivalent bond is so strong that when it comes back together, that energy is released, it can be used for life or death. Radiolab is supported by Audible. Rocket Mortgage by Quicken Loans. [inaudible 01:00:01] is I- I went back one time before [inaudible 01:00:05] that I, uh, like I said, I got to get it out. Big questions are investigated . There's a pause and my father just says. Yeah. No. He was in this state of fury, he said, and instead of hitting his wife, he smashed his fist into the bathroom mirror, and then realized that he had to leave the house, or he was going to do damage to her. Obviously no need to be alarmed. He was trying to repeat this master stroke. Now what you need to understand about Alex Haslem is that he hates it when interviewers only want to talk about the baseline study. Then, we reconsider what Stanley Milgram's famous experiment really revealed about human nature (it's both better and worse than we thought). No. And you tell us, "Actually, you know under some circumstances, we don't do the bad thing we're told to do because, here's another flip, we don't have to be told. ", Only 10 percent, under those circumstances, go on. They're trying to be good participants. It has enough what they used to call then solar energy. Thousands of people have done it before you. The use of it, he couldn't have imagined. What's interesting is that how all of these struggles, all of them, play out the same way. You know, on the other hand, I mean, if you look at the grand calculus, people he's he-helped or fed versus people he's killed, I mean, he's got fed billions of people, I don't know that you could entirely call him bad. Like, you know, "Who are you?". I do have a choice. You- I mean, I'm not suggesting one should, but I'm just saying there is a sense in which these people are prepared to do something that's very painful to them and to someone else because they want to promote science. All right, just to back up for one second. Terms and conditions apply. Visit our website. And so, 1918 Fritz Haber gets a Nobel Prize, but this is why he's such an interesting guy. We, as- as onlookers to this study, we have this kind of god-like, uh, sort of vision of, like, well of course what they're doing is wrong. Because if they're going to record it, I mean I'm going to record it here to but [inaudible 00:27:30]. According to some accounts, as they crept across no man's land. And at the very end of the play when everyone finds out what Iago's done, Othello asks him, "Why? 65%-, to shock their fellow citizens over and over again-. We're close to some really fundamental truths about human nature. Why does God allow this to happen? Come over now.". And while David's sitting in the bedroom with this friend, the guy looks up at him, and he says-, Like through his teeth, "I'm going to kill her.". Literally disappeared for six months and didn't tell anyone where she was because she was terrified that he was going to kill her. I don't know, I can't help but feel bad for the guy. Go on please. However, that leaves behind 20 million Germans. God, 'cause it's like we started with this experiment that we all see as evidence of human's latent capacity of evil. Why did you take these women off the streets and wanted to destroy them? And then she said, "I actually did this. The whole thing happened serveral years ago. 2012-06-22 . And to this day they have not talked about that day. Natural deposits would be like seaweed or-, You know, you could find it in cow manure or-. Okay. Let not your sorrows die though I am dead. Because it's like we started with this experiment that we all see as evidence of humans' latent capacity for evil. I mean, that was make believe. And even though in the end they got him to confess to these 49 murders, they never really get any closer to an answer than this first why. And I used to socialize with him and- and his wife. So my father and the other interviewer in that room that morning, Detective John [Matsen 00:58:19], they start using a line, a tact of interviewing that was very. Now the volunteer couldn't see the guy he was shocking, but he could definitely hear him. And now that we're sort of just on the other side of that. Our food source then moves into our bodies. Nice sky? In fact, we hate being told, but we will do it on our own if we think it's good. And 91 percent of the men said, "Yes." Leaving his son alone with his dead mother. In a lab at Yale University with a bunch of regular Americans. Wow. There's a pause and my father just says-. My name's Benjamin Walker and here are some Radiolab credit. Now we don't actually know if he threw a party. In other words, nitrogen has really strong attachments to itself. Said, "Deadly enmity between two friends make poor men's cattle break their necks, set fire on barns, and haystacks in the night, and bid the owners quench them with their tears. It's like playing dirty. The Germans were on one side, the French, the Canadians, and the British on the other. 1933 comes. Okay, so I heard this one from this guy named David-. With help from Shima Oliaee, Carter Hodge, and Lisa Yeger. And then, he just trails off. Is that- is that nitrogen is trivalent. This story made us wonder is David's friend, is he unusual? The participants, you know, they're not- it's not- it's not just blind obedience. When I said, "Goodbye." He knew about it. Okay. Give me two more minutes. And "Because women have stepped on me all my life." He would deny things, he would obscure, he would dance around things. And, you know, my view about human nature is that it affords infinite potential for lightness and dark. Hey wait! Uh, he was doing his- his great science work right around the turn of, uh, the 20th century. Sap in the next room just because they were being told to? That's it? Copyright 2019 New York Public Radio. no one has ever said about a sex tape that I've ever you know. Just to put that into context and to bring a few other of our storytellers in. [inaudible 00:59:42] Christensen. It's about 1880. Eventually Iago convinces Othello that his wife has been disloyal, which hasn't. Nobody had done what he was about to do on the scale that he was about to do it. So, at a time when there are people all over our country eyeing other people all over the country and thinking, "She's bad. And Haber has an idea. Like, how do you tell the real baddies from the rest of us? So around the turn of the century for German scientists like Haber, this was the challenge. Yes, this is one of the things that sparked my interest in the topic of murder. Just a little glimmer. I'm starting to feel a little bit better about my fellow man. That's one of the things we have to know and that's why it's okay to let out. Continue using the last switch on the board, please. "I just needed to kill because of that." But I needed to kill her because of that. My dorsal hair stood up when I read the end of this. Direct your voice to the microphone in the room. I invited him for dinner. Uh, Haber it's unknown what happened for the rest of that evening, but it is a well-documented fact that the very next morning. Well, I mean, I know that sir, but I mean, he's up to a 195 volts. But in experiment number three, if they put the shockee in the same room with the shocker so the shocker could actually see the person as the shockee. But if you look at Milgram's work closely. It was a warning smell so that people didn't inadvertently breathe it in and get sick. And you like her. And it's moving at about one meter per second. Who they would kill, where they'd do it, when. Yes. And there is no doubt that today's plants and animals carry the genetic legacy of ancestors who fought fiercely to survive and reproduce. "Definitely yes.". The authoritative record of New York Public Radios programming is the audio record. It is a, the- the critical- the critical force prod. Look. So, Jeff wrote this book because his father, Tom Jensen, was one of the lead detectives tracking Gary Ridgeway. Listen Now. So, right around 1900. That he asked Gary, there was a lot of questions he was asking. And in this one you get 0% going all the way. It's called Too Much Information. But it's suspected that it could be upwards of 75. In front of this really impressive looking machine. And he says, "Can I come over and sleep on your couch? Hmm. I mean, it's a pretty big thing to miss. James Shapiro, Professor of English at Columbia University. Thanks also to reporter Aaron Scott for that story. However, that leaves behind 20 million Germans. So during World War I, Haber's Institute had developed a formulation of insect killing gas called zyklon. He didn't really want to cop to everything that he did. But you know, we ended up walking this question around to different people. And in experiment number four, when the teacher has to hold the learner's hand down-, If the experimenter is not a scientist, but is an ordinary man-. Now, as we sort of know in life, lots of things that we if they're worthwhile doing, they're not always easy. That's what's horrifying about it, but imagine they were administering pain to themselves. There's a sort of chilling comparison which is a speech that Himmler gave to some SS leaders when they were about to commit a range of atrocities. And he says, "Because of the rage." Under some circumstances we don't do the bad thing we're told to do because" here's another flip "We don't have to be told. New York Public Radio transcripts are created on a rush deadline, often by contractors. And my views about human nature are that it affords infinite potential for lightness and dark. She expressed disapproval about his clothing choices. If the experiment had to be successful, it had to be carried on.". Uh, it makes up four out of every five or so molecules that we breathe. And not just 'cause he was vain, which everyone agrees he was, but because he loves his country. This is actually mean to be bad anyways. And then, realized that he had to leave the house or he was going to do damage to her. Become A Member. ", And Satan is like, "Well I bet I can change his mind." And, uh, she had got a disgusted look on her face and said that he was up in the bedroom. Three, two, one. In a rage, uh, how? And this particular story, it comes from a book that David wrote. "Why did you inflict all this suffering on them, on us? Radiolab is supported by Audible. He just kind of went crazy. Yeah. I'm not going to give you what you want. The- the leaves would just sort of shrivel and the grass was turning to the color of metal. If you think that science is worth pursuing, you say, "Okay. A box of ashes. And today evil, although, I don't know if that's the right word for this next thing. In Seattle today a man called the Green River killer-. He was trying to repeat this masterstroke. Yes. Well, let's talk about Fritz Haber. It was developed in his institute. And they would circle yes or no. So, my father and the other interviewer in that room that morning, Detective John Natson, they start using a line of, uh, uh, a tact of, uh, uh, of interviewing him that was very-. But when he gets there, he has to contend with his wife. He buried them, or left their bodies in these little clumps in the woods-. And why I cared for her because I dated her before, but this day didn't turn out right. And he spent five years in a futile effort to distill gold from the ocean's waters. So every day, they would bring them into this conference room-, This is a continuation of an interview with Gary Leon Ridgeway-. That the earth couldn't support this many people. In the other room, there was a guy who he called the learner who is supposed to have memorized some words. This hour we take a look at what happens when we all try to live together. Accuracy and availability may vary. In fact, his chemist had given this particular pesticide a smell. And if they still were resisting or struggling, they'd get proud number three. The first victims of the Green River killer were found in the summer of 1982. Like, saying like, "I don't want to kill a guy.". He would give all his baddies at least one moment where they could be understood. Trim, nice mustache. So the subjects seem willing to shock another human being, but as soon as you say, "It's an order.". About; Blog; Projects; Help; Donate An illustration of a heart shape . A lot of them are really positive even though they've just been told that they were duped. 2K views almost 2 years ago 48:23 Love it or hate it, the freedom to say obnoxious and subversive things is the quintessence of what makes America America. If the experiment- if the experiment had to be successful, it had to be carried on.". Warning. To feed about 30 million people. But as far as I know, there are none for Radiolab.I think I once read a statement from Jad and/or Robert that they view the show as an audio experience, and so believe it can't be captured in a transcript. And every time that guy got a word wrong-. Within minutes, the gas reached the allied side. He would change where the shocker and the shockee sat. Ear drums, God. Just give me your finger, [crosstalk 00:09:28] I'm going to-. Shoots herself in the chest, and is found by her son. Other room, there was a member of the rage. in other words, nitrogen has strong... 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