slate advice column care and feeding

I get it, thoughyou have a beautiful daughter. Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. WhichI am just guessing heremight also be the case. 822 Viewers 17,167 Page flips 473 Followers 347 Stories. Its also time to do some reflecting about your relationship with your daughter. Is there something about your relationship that you think could scare her from talking to you about her sexuality? (Questions may be edited for publication.). Theres no percentage in arguing with them about it. Uh, No Thanks. Weve tried to speak with her, individually and together, and have not gotten anywhere. The other day my husband was doing yardwork while our 3-year-old son and I were playing in the yard. I Despise My In-Laws. Here is my low-stakes problem: Almost everyone we run into, both strangers and people we know, comments on how beautiful she is. Indeed, she was ambivalent, at best, about going in the first place. My personal favorite: My 3-Year-Old Keeps Complimenting Me on My White Skin [December 1, 2020] Photo illustration by Slate. Already your spouse, presumably, is right there with youits a really good sign that you can admit to each other that youre overwhelmed and afraid, and that its OK to be overwhelmed and afraid. I dont think this is going to change and I am bereft about it. Is it inappropriate of me to take her to Morgans funeral as a learning experience. Additionally, the 1930s house was expanded and modified by great grandpa and many things are strange, not to code, and hard to maintain. I can be too much too, so my heart goes out to you. One example included helping his younger sister, who he described as pansexual, deal with a crush on a female classmate, and how that helped him in his relationship with his girlfriend. Submit your questions about parenting and family life here. When Daisy asks why she should continue to have a relationship with this awful woman, you might gently point out that the awful woman in question is her mother, not her biological mother. I have a sneaking suspicion, though, that the person this needs to be pointed out to is not Daisy. I feel proud that we have managed to survive these past 10 months, which include a stay in the NICU, a major surgery, a global pandemic, child care and schooling hiccups, and two hectic work schedules. Though Im sure youve given this some thought, let me remind you that you can take your ex to court to try and force her into mediation. We see her family a lot more than we see mine, and we have a good relationship with them. Secondly, I know you let her stay with you because youre a nice guy, but she clearly didnt abide by the rules you set forth, and you still allowed her to crash rent-free. Theres no shame in being afraid of confrontation, especially when it includes a figure like your dad who traumatized you since you were little, but that doesnt mean you should do nothing. Have a question for Care and Feeding? I really do try to be neutral about the whole thingI dont want him to be ashamed of this quirkbut maybe he is picking up on my own unease about it? slate advice columns care and feeding; July 13, 2022. slate advice columns care and feeding. Weve always had a guess about her sexuality though. Sometimes people who are hurting arent their best selves? You can still be respectful of your ex as you confront some of her claims about you. My mother-in-law moved in with us in August, for the foreseeable future, and my partner and I have noticed that she treats the 5-year-old differently than she did the others at the same age, especially when it comes to discipline. Dear Care and. Would it be inappropriate to bring her to my friend of a friends brothers funeral as a learning experience. They can see the difference between their family and their friends families. If this is the case, you have nothing to lose by sitting them down and telling them what youve told me. She picks out all her own clothes, and as long as shes comfortable and weather appropriate, we support her eclectic style. Dont make it your problem. Our 5-year-old misses his friends and the in-person nature of school, but has been doing very well in long-distance kindergarten. Parenting advice on boundaries, new grandparents, and marital trouble. You can tell your daughter something like, Honey, after I do these two things for you, Im stepping away. If so, I would do whatever it takes to figure out what that is. But I think it is for the wrong reasons. Although he gets good grades, we fight all the time over schoolwork. He has a crushhis first one, I guess (or at least the first one hes told you about). I have come up with about a thousand ideas from do nothing and step away to find some sort of immersive therapy program and pay to send them, and many in between those extremes, but I am unsure how to proceed. What should I do? Now our son keeps saying f*ing sh*t. Weve tried telling him we dont say bad words like what Daddy said, but that didnt work. Most of the time you hear of parents who each have ideas for names that the other parent always shoots down. Or (for all you know) they have, to no avail. The night of the dinner, she seemed hesitant about leaving and told me to text her if he was refusing a bottle, reminding me that she could be home in 20 minutes if needed. Now youve moved from nice guy status to pushover with no end in sight. Care and Feeding is Slates parenting advice column. Is it time for me to back off and just let her do whatever she wants? But he didnt want that one either. In our day-to-day lives, though, we often keep our guards . Ive heard testimony from numerous twins that this is not a good idea because it makes it harder for them to create an identity. I let him play with my old, no longer used gloves of all kinds. Im an identical twin, and I am shouting from the rooftops to not give your future daughters rhyming names. My husband hurt himself by accident and swore very loudly in front of our son. Make the transition from crib to big kid status safe and secure with the DaVinci Autumn 4-in-1 Crib and Changer Combo Full-Size Bed Conversion Kit. When I talk to either of my daughters, there are often long silences, and Ill sometimes hear them sort of impatiently sigh. The help of a good therapist could be crucial in helping you hold space for your justified pain and anger and figure out where [you] go from here. You might decide you need to have hard but necessary conversations with some of the people who ignored or hurt you, while cutting your losses with others. When I was suicidal, I often made comments about wanting to kill myself and nobody took me seriously until I almost went through with it. How do we gently shut this down if it comes down to it? Dear Care and Feeding, My daughter is beautiful. Care and Feeding is Slate's parenting advice column. I cant say exactly what will feel right for you, what will allow you to move forward without denying your feelings or your fears. Have a question for Care and Feeding? Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. Hes always been a little bit behind (within normal parameters) for self-regulating and similar skills, but hes not regressed too much. And as you know (because youre on your third kid now), its just going to be a work in progress. I figured if he was hungry and didnt have his mother around as an option, hed do better with the second one later. My son went in with her and came out a few minutes later and told me I should go home. Please dont do that either. But when Daisy asks me why she should continue to try to have a relationship with this awful woman, I just want to tell her to stay far away from her. It may very well be that her mother is being verbally/emotionally abusive. There was a long pause and then she said shed have to think about it. Now I wonder if she thought I was putting off talking to her because of her request for boundaries. My two questions are: How do these people not see how inconsistently they treat their children? Dont get defensive or angry when it happens. I know how hard it is to parent with the unknown future stretching ahead of you, and only some of the answers and reassurances you might crave. (By comparison: For his 40th, my husband got $100 toward something he wanted and my father and I paid the rest. Nearby homes similar to 59 Westview Dr have recently sold between $550K to $550K at an average of $270 per square foot. My stepbrothers are 9 (twins), and my half-sisters are 6 and 4. I spent my whole childhood walking on eggshells to not piss him off. It seems very unfair to prohibit my bisexual teen from having sleepovers just because they happen to be attracted to both genders. He gagged and spit up. Reclaim your life and sanity by putting your foot down today. Yesterday, one of my stepbrothers and the older of my half sisters told me that they were really scared that Dad was going to die soon. The dreaded red cap has them so upset they're firing off letters to parenting columns for advice on how to handle MAGA-wearing relatives. It also seems to me important to point out that if Daisys mother and father have joint custody, the time she spends with her mother is not visiting. Daisy has two homes. No matter what, dont let this slide. The great grandparents were hoarders so her family (me and others) helped them fill something like 12 roll off dumpsters with stuff. Have a question for Care and Feeding? They live. ); some people have contact sporadically. Conversation in general isnt easy for me, so I dont enjoy phone calls. Our local library has a teen volunteer program, where high school students come and help shelve books and lead childrens activities and story time. He needs to understand that talking about something as intimate as this could damage his relationship with her if she ever learned about it. I guess Im askingare the books the problem? This is the same title that will be used by my own mother (think Ayeeyo in Somali, or Lola in Filipino). Ask him to use headphones while he works or watches TV or listens to music while you are with your therapist. Maybe theyll decide to try couples counseling. " Care and Feeding " is's parenting advice column where wannabe Woke parents write in to be chastised by a rotating group of SLATE staffers. Moving is hard, but in the middle of a school year seems especially tough. During the pandemic, one of the volunteers has started a Zoom book club for kids in second and third grade. Care and Feeding is Slate's parenting advice column. All contents 2023 The Slate Group LLC. Also, you should find out who he spilled the beans to and ensure they keep it under wraps. Today its gloves; next month it could be snap-shut purses. Answer: Join Slate Plus. How can I support Slate so I can keep reading all the advice from Dear Prudence, Care and Feeding, Ask a Teacher, and How to Do It? Its anonymous! Go find your husband and make sure hes sitting down with you while you read this. Im always glad to hear from you, and leave it at that. Discuss this column in the Slate Parenting Facebook group! Explain that you know its difficult for them to hear these things about you and that you dont want them to be caught in the drama between you and your ex, but that you have no choice but to defend yourself. Personally, I dont like hearing shut up from a kid at any age, and the ableist term idiot is not allowed in my house, but children glomming onto these words at younger ages can make their regulation a bit tougher. The court in which we watch the jousting is floored with onyx in order to increase the courage of the combatants. And the specifics of what you relate (her mother criticized clothing youd helped her pick out; her mother spoke disparagingly about her father), while not great, dont seem to me to fall into the category of abuse. Nor does an insensitive, dismissive remark about PMS. Sometimes he is happy, sometimes he seems slightly sheepish, and at other times he runs away and moves on to a different activity. I think your depression is casting a shadow over everything and will continue to until you get the help you need and deserve. But hes been telling us that hes in love with her, like you and Dad. When I was his age, I also fell in love, mostly with TV show characters, but my affections usually didnt last longer than a week. Except that in reality, I am now fulfilling the role of a father of three! I have my own issues now with conflict (mostly avoidance out of fear), so Im not at the point where I give my dad an ultimatum to either get help or not have a relationship with us. They mostly manage because they have no mortgage, although when an unexpected expense comes up I often pitch in. I told him I just wanted them to have a couple of hours out of the house and obviously the baby hadnt been THAT hungry if he kept refusing bottles. Or ladybugs. If you need to talk, or if you or someone you know is experiencing suicidal thoughts, text theCrisis Text Lineat 741-741 or call or text 988 to reach theSuicide & Crisis Lifeline. Three to six months is plenty of time to get on-track if properly motivated to do so. And youll have to actually mean it. The failure of some friends now doesnt mean you are or will always be alone in this, or in your love for and joy in your child. As a baseline, lets stop comparing our relationships to our kids with anyone elses. I dont think having young kids when hes this old helped his health (my oldest sibling is 10 years older than me and has a 4-year-old, meaning my youngest sister is the same age as her nephew). Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. Ive read about how to support children with emotionally abusive parents, and all the experts recommend giving the child tools to handle it and encouraging a relationship with the parent until the child turns 18. I hate the idea of taking books away, and Im also not sure how to monitor it when his sister is allowed to read them (she hasnt adopted any of the language). After these encounters, I always remind her of her inner beauty, her kindness, and her loving heart. As for how you build and nourish a good, happy life for your children, youre already working on that. Many parents feel this way (and its often true, too). Even if your MIL were right about him needing more help or support, the course would then be for her to discuss this calmly and respectfully with you, not try to intimidate him into being whatever her version of an ideal 5-year-old is. Who knows? Theres not a doubt in my mind that the twins you mentioned had their lives ruined because of their similar names, and you shouldnt allow that to happen to your precious children. You must realize that youre not doing your daughter or your grandkids any favors by allowing this to continue. He is the most loving grandpa and would do anything for my kids and me. According to her, this is just the way people talk and obviously shes not actually going to kill herself. My husband thinks shes just being a dramatic tween and isnt worried. Photo illustration by Slate. But, in general, that "demand" is coming from a little one. Not to use a popular buzz phrase, but your role in this is to provide psychological safety and reassure him that everything will be OK, because it will be. Let your husband know you need privacy when youre on a phone or video session with your therapist. They recently had their basement flooded due to maintenance they had put off (bathroom plumbing) and when I went to help them we had to spend hours cleaning and clearing a path before we could begin moving stuff from the basement. He is constantly saying that he doesnt see the point of some simple task, that its stupid and easy, that he hates it. My wife feels strongly that this is a kind of appropriation, and that this title should be something special for my mother. ); if thats not possible, ask him not to disturb you when you are in a session. Dont do anything. Uh, No Thanks. Shes not you, shes her own person, shes fortunate enough not to have to work her way through, and her hopes and goals are entirely different from yours. Sure, theres a chancebut what if she actually harbored some dark thoughts and acted on them? The Slate advice columnists have a wide range of quality but I actually really like a lot of the parenting ones (particularly Nicole Chung and Jamliah Lemieux), even though I am not a parent. I expect youll eventually find that you have others in your corner, friends who will relate to and understand and support your family, who will care enough to learn what they dont know, who will see and love and celebrate your child and all of you as you are. And other than supporting my husband, is there anything else I can do? Ive always been of the mind that regardless of whatever bad feelings there are between me and my ex, it is in our kids best interests to maintain a relationship with both parents. Youre not raising him with unrealistic or sexist views about love if you dont discourage him in his adoration of Kaylie. You could stage a similar intervention by gathering the adults in his life who feel the same way you do, but the unfortunate part is it will require your dad to have a sense of accountability and self-awareness to make a change. Its anonymous! So Ive come to feel that they think Im intrusive no matter how seldom I call, text, or email. Every day that you take care of your family and love them and worry for them and get silly with them, youll be doing it, bit by bit. And I would say that Daisy needs to be talking to a therapist without her mother present as well as undergoing therapy with her. My Daughter-in-Law Is Blowing Up Over the Tiniest Little Thing. I have given this advice before to others: I would give your daughter three to six months to find a job and a place to stay, or else youll have to throw them out. Hes always been a grouchy kid, but school is just turning him into an angry kid. Care and Feeding is Slate's parenting advice column. My husband and I feel overwhelmed and scared, but we love our daughter unconditionally and feel determined to build a fun, fulfilling, and happy life for our family. Yes, I completely understand how upsetting it is to watch your daughter struggle, but she has to learn to figure out how to deal with this on her own, or else youre looking at a lifetime of enabling her, and I know you dont want that. If what shes doing has escalated to emotional abuse, that could also damage your sons behavior and development, his self-esteem, and his ability to feel safe and loved. They average a screaming match a day, often over completely idiotic stuff like one of them walking too fast for the other to keep up with, or cooking with cheese when the other has a dairy intolerance. Discuss this column in the Slate Parenting Facebook group! I turned my life around and have been sober for over six years, but will he do whatever it takes to improve his health? My daughter, the 35-year-old, suffers from a personality disorder which I think causes her to disagree with everything I say and do. Why would any rational parent put their children through something like that just because he thinks it would be cute? If you cant manage a phone conversation, I would put your thoughts in a letter. Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. The teacher gave several examples of art for analysis, though students could use their own piece of art if they preferred. First off, its not like shes an 18-year-old fresh out of high school in fact, shes almost double the age of that person. slate advice column care and feedingrent to own homes mobile alabama. How do I get my parents to divorce? Do whatever you can not to insert yourself into it. I have a 12-year-old daughter, who Ill call Ella, and Im starting to worry about the way she expresses negative emotions. You should absolutely talk to your son. Is that enough though? In this case our fundamental philosophies for picking names are different and neither of us are willing to compromise. It is beyond ridiculous, and I am sick of it. Or Scotch tape. I am single and have a small home of about 800 square feet. A book based on the column titled Dear Prudence: Liberating Lessons from's Beloved Advice Column will be released on April 4, 2023. And you didnt do that. Uh, No Thanks. I will tell you that if I were your 35-year-old and Id said, Ive got to go now or Ill be late for work, but Ill call you this weekend, OK? and you said, No, lets just wait until I call you in two weeks, I would have been hurt. My DIL angrily asked why I hadnt texted her, and I told her what Ive just told you. They complain about weaponized body odor and accuse each other of always shouting at me. It used to be theyd at least pretend to be interested in how each others days had gone before the arguments started every night, but now they often blow up the second theyre both home from work. Each day they do a different task with their word list. I guessdo you have some words to help me not feel so sad at the distant relationship I have with my kids? England no longer existed. 2.5 Baths. My Daughter-in-Law Is Blowing Up Over the Tiniest Little Thing. My husband is obviously hurt by this, but he doesnt like to talk about it. Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group.. Dear Care and Feeding, Maybe talking to someone could help you to see things you werent aware of previously, which could be vital in giving her the support she needs. Have a question for Care and Feeding? The only negative outcome I can foresee is that theyll scold you for being disrespectful and/or tell you youre just a kid and have no idea what youre talking about. All rights reserved. Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. Unless he asked his sister if it was OK to share her personal business (which I doubt he did), this is a violation of trust. Care and Feeding is Slate's parenting advice column. Your family will not be invisible to such people either, and I hope you come across many more of them. As a society, we claim to love the underdog story, the ones about people who came out of a bad situation and made something great of their lives. All contents 2023 The Slate Group LLC. Things can change, but only if you do something about them. They attend joint therapy, but her mom doesnt seem to be making any progress. All rights reserved. Photos by polkadot and denisik11/iStock/Getty Images Plus. My wife (26) and I (24) are expecting our first kid. I cant speak to your relationship with your husband because youve said little about it. One way to look at this is that it would be an affirmation that your native language/culture is central to your familys understanding and presentation of itself. While the columnist tries to talk the distressed relative off the ledge with words of calm just back away slowly . (@carvellwallace) Interview Highlights. Submit it here or post it in the Slate Parenting Facebook group. ), But keep in mind that your mother may be touchedpleasedrather than upset by your mother-in-laws enthusiastic embrace of this honorific. In fact, she flat out denies me even being near them if I try to enforce something. The other day I sent my 35-year-old daughter a link to the weather report for where she lives (about icy, dangerous roadsI was concerned about her morning commute), and she phoned me to ask that I not send such things, as if you think Im incompetent. I took this as her setting a boundary and told her Id respect that, even though doing things for the people I love is my love language. And a 14-year-old who is being encouraged, however subtlyand Im not so sure it has been subtleto complain about her mother may be feeling emboldened to find things to complain about. I find myself going back and forth about how I feel (but also less concerned about the former, more about the latter). I cant and wont live their lives for them, but they are my children, and I cant stand idly by while they live in a situation that I truly believe is hazardous to their health and which given his background and her struggles they seem unable to address. Ive tried incentives, but he was never reward-oriented. Co-host of Slate's "Mom and Dad Are Fighting" podcast, and he co-writes Slate's "Care and Feeding" advice column. Photo by Getty Images Plus. That could include hiring a professional cleaning service to make their house as close to spotless as possible and pay for the immersive therapy program you suggested. But like I said, I really dont think it will come to any of that. Uh, No Thanks. countries. Yes, theres a strong chance that your son will be upset at first, but if hes as outgoing as you say he is, then its highly likely he will make new friends fairly quickly. She needs to hear and understand how seriously upset you and your partner are about this, and that it is unacceptable to specifically target your youngest child and discipline him in ways that you, his parents, dont find appropriate. Sins are forgiven by God all the time, so long as you're ready to repent and be a changed person. Ask open-ended questions, and listen more than you speak. 'The Signal Man' is a short story written by one of the world's most famous novelists, Charles Dickens. Your house, your kids, your rulesyour MIL can treat all your children with basic decency, or she shouldnt be sharing a roof with them. He has a temper that he cant control and will not do anything about it. That didnt work. Not only is there no reason for him to be ashamed of this quirk, theres also no reason for you to take it so seriously. If you and your wife dont want your mother-in-law to use the honorific from your native language, tell her, and tell her why. Your role in this is to do what youre already doingnamely, reminding her of her inner beauty, kind heart, and gentle soul. Whether or not you take any steps to try and change the relationship between you and her, I think your children deserve to hear your frank thoughts on this. I change diapers, cook for 3.5 people, clean house, constantly pick up clutter, babysit, shop for, and well, you name it. In the meantime, I wouldnt mention anything about her sexuality unless she opens up to you. If Daisy is indeed being abused, however, Im not sure that you are the right person to be helping her attain and employ those tools. That certainly applies here. Photo illustration by Slate. Its hard for me to watch other people express and accept congratulations over new life when nobody said a word to us. Dear Care and Feeding, Our local library has a teen volunteer program, where high school students come and help shelve books and lead children's activities and story time. I hope one day soon you will feel sure that this is doablethat you are actually doing it alreadyand in the meantime, Im sending you every possible good wish. All English Franais. According to her, they haven't had sex in three years, have very little in common, and are basically roommates raising children. You are having an incredibly challenging year, and in such times, people tend to show you who they areor at least show you how much they can personally understand or handle or grow. Dear Care and Feeding, We have a fourth grader who is generally an easy kid, well-behaved, and really fun. If she doesnt feel comfortable coming out to you, then its clear that shes not ready for the world to know yet, either. slate advice columns care and feeding. Im an advice columnist, not a psychiatrist or psychologist, but your sister-in-law sounds to me less like a person exhibiting bad behavior than one displaying symptoms of mental illness. I wonder if she thought I was putting off talking to you about ) of Kaylie you have nothing lose... Many more of them family a lot more than you speak them fill like! For you, and really fun no mortgage, although when an unexpected expense comes up often! Who is generally an easy kid, well-behaved, and Im starting to worry about way. 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